Discovery. (Chapter Five.)

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Minus had been running for a while now, it didn't seem like she was running in any direction, but he seemed to know where she was going. She had been through a raided apartment and all the cops turned a blind eye to her. He kept moving across some rooftops for a bit before ending up at an abandoned train tracks. Now, they was swimming through water in the canals. She moved like she was following a scent. They jumped over the red tram cart that stood in her way, and wiggled her way through a small gap in the rusty broken bars. They walked down a abandoned train and jumped off it onto normal ground, passing a broken barrier of wooden planks and crawling under more trains. 'Where Are You Going?' Benrey pipes his voice up his head. Minus groans as they get to the other side. "I Don't Know, I'm Following.. Something." 'And What Is That Something?' Minus ignored Benrey's second question, opting to sit down for a bit, since she felt weird. She didn't feel sick, but she felt off again like she did before. She started burping excessively, which for some, would usually be a sign that they were about to throw up, but he didn't feel like he was going to throw up. She felt something coming up their throat. "I'm Better Not Throw Up-" They mutter, right as a bunch of bubbles escape out their mouth. They burp a few more out before they say something. "What The Hell, When Did I Turn Into A Bubble Machine?" Minus asks as a rhetorical question, not expecting an answer, but getting one anyways. "Oh! That's Black Mesa Sweet Voice!" Benrey tells Minus, using his mouth to speak. Minus' body glitches out at this, resulting in more bubbles coming out of her mouth and make them lay on the ground. Minus sits up. "Okay Look, If You Want To Say Something, Keep It In My Head." Minus growls at Benrey. 'Oh.. Sorry, Friend.' "And Don't Call Me Your Friend Either! I'm Not Your Friend! You're Just.. Stuck Inside Me." Minus stands up. "Now Tell Me What The Hell Black Mesa Sweet Voice Is." 'Oh, Well, It's Something I Can Do... Usually It's To Show Emotions But, I Can Do Other Stuff With It To." Benrey tells Minus.

"Oh, So This Is Something YOU Can Do, And Now I Can Do It As Well?" 'I Guess So.' Minus feels an expression of wry amusement form across her face. "Well That's Pretty Cool." She notes to Benrey. 'Uhm, Thanks?' Benrey couldn't tell if Minus meant that in a genuine way, of course she did mean it that way, but there was more to why she complimented him on this. Minus then proceeds to continue past a dead barnacle, and walks through some yuck sludge. He didn't care though, even if they were barefoot. They came to an area, that seemed pretty much abandoned, and walked into the hide out. 'Damn, What Happened Here? Seems Lifeless.' "If I Were To Guess Benrey, Civilian Protection Probably Got To Them." Minus tells him. They climb up a ladder that was in the base. "My Question Though Is Why Wouldn't They Stick Around." He got to the top of the roof and saw a dead metro cop next to a mounted gun. "Ah, So That's Why. Someone Got To Them All." 'Damn, That's Not Cool.' "Actually, It Is Cool, Benrey. Metro Cops Are Bad! And Bad Guys Aren't Cool." 'Oh, Well, I Guess You're Right.' Benrey says, thinking back on the time he had that big battle with his friends. He was definitely the bad guy then. What even makes someone bad? Is it power? Is it the destruction they cause? What makes someone good? Usually it's morality that makes someone good. Benrey was taken out of his thoughts when Minus burp up more bubbles, they were dark blue. "They Change Colours Too?" Minus asks, as the first time they were teal. 'Uh, Yeah, As I Said It Can Be A Way To Show Emotion..' "Oh, Yeah. Okay Then." Minus walks across a platform, and an area that was filled with broken concrete pipes and more sludge. 'Hey, What's Your Name?' Benrey pipes up. 'You Know Mine Without Me Even Telling You, But I Haven't Figured Out Yours.' "Oh, Huh? What?" 'I Said-' "I Know What You Said. My Name Is Minus You Idiot!" Minus tells him. 'Oh... Well That Explains Why The File Was Called That-' Benrey whispers. "My File?" 'Oh Jeez, Can I Not Keep Anything To Myself Now?' "Guess Not. Anyways, You're An Idiot! I'm Going To Try Ignore You Now!" Minus declares in a bossy tone before she walks into an open area. They walk towards an pipe, ignoring the female citizen as they walk past her. He jumps down into more sludge. 'Why Didn't You Wear Shoes? Are You Not Worried About Your Feet?' Benrey asks. "Stop Talking. My Body, My Rules!" Minus tells him as they keep going in what seemed to be an oddly specific direction.

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