17/12/2023 (Or 16/12/2023 For Americans)

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As Most Of The HLVRAI Fandom Is Aware Of, We All Were Under The Impression That We Were Getting A Sequel Of For The Beloved Series. Well Wayne And The RTVS Crew Duped Us And Released A Stream That The Fandom Is Dubbing As Breaking Bad But The Ai Is Self-Aware (BrBaVRAI Or BBVRAI For Short.) The Fandom Was Very Mixed In Their Feelings About This Stream. Many Loved It, Including Myself, Most Were Angry Or Disappointed And Tried To Attack WRTVS Crew On Their Socials (If You Were One Of Those People, GROW UP And Get Over Yourself, The WRTVS Crew Are People Too. There Was No Need For The Lash Out.)

To Be Honest With You, When I Started Watching The Stream, I Was Expecting A Random Transition Into HL2 And I Kept Expecting That Until The Second Hour. Yeah, I Was Little Bummed Out For Sure But I Loved The Stream Regardless And I Super Excited For When Wayne Finishes The Edited Version That Will Probably Get Uploaded To YouTube.

But That's Not Summarizing Why I'm Discontinuing Updates For My Story, Is It? That's Right, I'm Currently Discontinuing This Fanfic. Sorry To Those Who Were Enjoying The Read, But As For Future Chapters, I Will Not Be Publishing Any. Of Course, I Will Come Back And Edit The Already Existing Chapters This Story Has, As I Reading Back On Them, I Notice A Lot Mistakes And The Writing Is Very Clunk. The Story Itself Will Not Continue. Why? Well, Warning. There's Going To Be Spoilers Ahead. >;3




At The End Of The Stream For BBVRAI, There Was Literally A Fucking After Credits Scene. Yeah, No Joke. Wayne Did That.

Basically What Happened In That After Credits Scene Was, AND I'm Rewatching It So I Can Type It Out Correctly, Jesse Pinkman Walks Up To A Dying (Or Already Dead) Walter White, Showing Him A Video Series, Relaying To Him About How Funny It Is. Stating It Was HALF VR, AND THAT IT IS GETTING A FUCKING SEQUEL. It Proceeds To Show What I Will Label As A Trailer. In Said Trailer, It Zooms Out Of A Chucky Cheese Mascots Eye, At THE EXACT SAME CHUCKY CHEESE ESTABLISHMENT THAT TOMMY HAD HIS 37th BIRTHDAY PARTY. Clearly The Chucky Cheese Establishment Has Been Abandoned By The Way. Someone (Who Sounds A LOT Like Dr. Coomer) Talks About How It's Been In The Absence Of Gordon. Saying Despite The Fact That Everything Has Stopped, That Everything Still Changes, The Game Evolves Without Him. Once It Finally Zooms Out Of The Building, It Has A Transition Of The Chucky Cheese Establishment In A Ruin State In The HL2 Universe. The Trailer Goes On To Showing Places In HL2, Dr Breen, Kliener, ALYX VANCE SMOKING A FAT CIGAR, The Back Of The Head Of Someone WHO IS MOST LIKELY DOCTOR COOMER, GMAN GIVES HIS BRIEF CASE TO ANOTHER GMAN, THE LOGO FOR HLVRAI WHICH CHANGES INTO A NEW LOGO WHICH IS MOST LIKELY FOR HL2VRAI (Or HLVRAI2, WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO CALL IT)





Ahem, But Gathering A Suitable State Of Mind Again, The Silence In My House Right Now Is Deafening Because I Want To Be Loud About This.

To Make A Long Story Short, I'm Basically Ending This Fanfic Because It's Been Confirmed That HL2VRAI/HLVRAI2 Will Be A Thing In The Future. This Fanfic Was Made In Order To Be My Personal Continuation Of The Series But There Really Isn't A Need For That Anymore. Of Course This Won't Be The Last You See Of Minus In The Story, I Will Most Likely Make Stories In The Future That Involve Her. But Hey! Who Knows, Maybe When HL2VRAI/HLVRAI2 Is Fully Released, I Might End Up Finishing This Fanfic, Probably Not Though, We'll See I Guess, Because I Do Have The Ending For This Fanfic Planned Out.

Anyways, Enough Of Me Rambling.

TLDR: Discontinuing Because HL2VRAI/HLVRAI2 Has Been Confirmed.

If You Find My Way Of Typing Hard To Read, I Recommend You Read This Chapter With TTS.


Thank You For Those That Have Read This Fanfiction And Tolerated My Slow Updates As Well As My Terrible Way Of Writing, Hope Everyone Has A GREAT Day! Love To All Of You. <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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