Nai (Karnvel)

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As Nai, Yogi and Doctor Akari were walking out of the cave that Nai used to call home when they heard movement. They turned and looked to see a little girl walking toward them about to ask them questions, but suddenly let out an excited squeal. Both Yogi and Doctor Akari were shocked at the squeal and the fact that Nai quickly made his way over to her. The little h/c haired girl jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. When she looked their way, they noticed that she had red eyes, just like Nai.

They looked towards one another and then made their way over to where Nai and the little girl were. Doctor Akari looked her over and could tell they had similar features to each other. Yogi was not sure and looked to Doctor Akari, who glanced at him and back towards Nai and the girl.

"Who is this, Nai?" Yogi asked him.

"This is my little sister, y/n," Nai said with a smile as he looked at them. Y/n looked towards them shyly. Yogi and Doctor Akari looked at each other, and Akari moved to them.

"Would you like to come with us y/n?" He asked as he looked at her. She looked at Nai and nodded her head after Nai smiled at her with a nod of his head.

Akari nodded, and they began their way back to the rest of the group to sit down for lunch. Y/n looked around at the other people that were there before looking back up at Nai, who had put her down. Nai sat down, and y/n sat next to him before looking towards the little animal clutching onto the back of Doctor Akari's lab coat. She stood back up to stand behind him, as she was the height of him sitting down, and smiled when he looked at her, confused. She made her way back over to Nai and began to eat the sandwich that she had been handed. After there ate, Nai began to play with y/n as it had been quite a while since they had seen one another. As they were playing, Gareki asked Yogi if he could visit where he used to live. Yogi gave Captain Hirato a call and asked if Gareki could and to tell him about y/n. He told them to get Doctor Akari to bring y/n back with him and for him to take Gareki and Nai to Gareki's hometown.

Y/n did not want to leave Nai's side, but she did not mind as much when she was going with Doctor Akari, which shocked a few of the people there. Nonetheless, they had a plan. Gareki, Nai and Yogi went on their way, while y/n went with Doctor Akari.

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