Laxus Dreyar (Fairy Tail)

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It's been a year since the Tenrojima incident and no one would have thought that in that year Laxus would have a little girl. Everyone knew that he had a mate but they didn't know that she was four months pregnant when they went for the s-class trials. She didn't know herself until after the incident. Four months after and she had a gorgeous baby girl, and since she was a month premature, the doctor that delivered her wanted to keep her in for a week.

The little girl had sun blonde hair, like her father, and shining (e/c) orbs like her, now, deceased mother. As her mother had gone on a mission two months after she was born and had gotten seriously hurt and died from blood loss. Everyone grieved in their own way but the one that suffered the most was Laxus, as he didn't grieve for her properly. Since he hadn't grieved, Mira and the girls thought it would be nice to have a girls night in with little (y/n) a month before the grand magic games.

During the two nights and three days that the girls had her, Laxus grieved over his mate and when he picked up little (y/n) he thanked the girls. They said it was fine and that they will see him in the guild the next day. Keeping to his word and he meet them at the guild the next day and the month till the GMG flow by with everyone fussing over baby (y/n) and Asuka who was playing with her, but being careful as she was only little. A week before the games Asuka was playing with (y/n) again but she suddenly let out a squeal of happiness and called for Laxus. When Laxus got to them he saw little (y/n) taking steady, yet, curious steps.

"Come on baby girl, come to daddy." Laxus spoke as he got down onto his knees and reached out for (y/n). "Come on you can do it." He encouraged her on.

He got a toothy grin in return for that and she slowly made her way into his arms until she collapsed into them when she reached him. He cheered as well as everyone else had; they all stopped to see what had happen when Asuka had squealed for Laxus. They all then had a celebration and Makarov was crying as he had just seen his great grandchild take her very first steps.

"D-d-da..." A tiny, yet soft voice spoke and everyone stopped to look at (y/n). "D-d-da-da. Dada!" She finally squealed out.

Everyone went chaotic. Cheering and singing is what everyone in the guild did that night, apart from the lighting dragon slayer, who was happily sitting a little away from the rest of the guild with little (y/n) snuggled up close to her daddy's chest with her fists holding onto his shirt in a tight ball.

Laxus is a bit ooc.

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