Ryoga Echizen (Prince Of Tennis)

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Ryoga was at the U-17 camp when he got a call from home saying that his little, biological, sister was in the hospital he immediately dropped everything and went back to America. Once he got there he saw his aunt at the airport waiting for him, they then went to the hospital that she was at. When Ryoga got to the hospital room he opened the door to see her sitting up, but she had a mask on her face. She turned her head of the same green hair towards him and offered him a weak smile. Her e/c eyes staring at him as though it was her last time.

That was over a year ago and he now is back at the U-17 camp with her, with permission from their aunt and the coaches, and she was helping him train, to the surprise from the coaches. She was a pleasant young girl and they didn't think she would know so much about tennis.

As Ryoga was practicing he heard her coughing and looked over to she her with her hand over her mouth waving dust from in front of her. He quickly made his way over to her and made she she was away from the dust cloud also that she was alright. When she was getting her breath back she was leaning up against Ryoga and panting slightly. Ryoga hugged her close and kissed the top of her head as he didn't want to let her go; again.

"Come on, you have been out for too long and you remember the deal we made with aunt and your doctor." He said as he picked her up bridle style and began to make his way to there shared room, the looked like a small mini apartment, and placed her onto her bed.

"Ryoga." She called out to him weakly.

"Yes?" He questioned as he sat down next to her and held her hand tightly.

"Do you ever think that I will be able to play tennis again, because I want to play again." She said as she began to fall asleep.

"Of course you will, by my eighteenth birthday I'm going to have you playing next to me in a doubles match, like we us too, I promise." Ryoga whispered into her ear.

"I'll like that..." She said before completely falling into dreamland for the rest of the day.

Keeping to his promise he had her all well and the doctor gave her the okay to play tennis again. With the help from the coaches at the U-17 camp they build her muscles up to what they used to be and Ryoga helped her with the basics and everything else just came back to her. Once the coaches thought she was ready, they put her up against the third years at the camp. She soon got back to her old self thanks to her protective older brother, and she wouldn't change him for the world; even when they fight and argue.

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