Heath Hasekura (Prince Of Stride)

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It was the second tour trail of the End Of Summer tournament and the hônan stride team was waiting to see if Kyosuke would show up or not, also they were waiting for there h/c haired friend to show up as well. When Kyosuke did show up he had the h/c friend with him.

"You two are late." Heath had told them whilst smiling at them.

The h/c giggled as she looked up to Kyosuke. He looked at her and smiled, then ruffled her hair, which she ran and hid behind Heath for.

"Mou, what was that for?" She complained as she hid while Nana gave the running order in.

"Well y/n what do you think older brothers do?" He had asked her.

She pouted and looked away from him. The first years were just staring at them not believing that she is his little sister.

"To think I'm going out with one of my best friends sister." Heath had said as he looked between Kyosuke and y/n.

The first years were going to ask something, but they were all called to there staring petitions for the race. When the match between Hônan and Ichijyokan ended, Hônan won the race and when y/n went to get Nana. She fell down the stairs because of Shiki from Ichijyokan had soothed passed her and whilst going down the stairs he bumped into her and she slipped backwards. Nana raced to her side, whilst, unknowingly, screaming her name down the mic to the runners ear pierces.

The whole team raced to where she was and when they got to where they were. They saw her being hosted away by an ambulance, Kyosuke was allowed to go with her, since he was family, whilst everyone else had to go home and wait for news from Kyosuke or Mr Dan, who also went with them.

The most worried was Heath. Not only because his best friend was with his sister in the hospital, but it was because his girlfriend was in hospital and he didn't know what to do. She is everything to him, not only his girlfriend, but a best friend as well.  He wouldn't know what to do without her cheering him and the team on.

The next morning Kyosuke was at school and he looked relieved, but also tense as well. The team had asked what had happened and he told them what the doctor said when he phoned earlier that morning.

"She should be find, but they want to take an full body x-Ray to make sure everything is alright." Kyosuke explained to them as he gave them a very small smile.

Everyone gave a sigh of relief, but Heath and Kyosuke were still tense a little as they thought about her.

"Let's get back to the E.O.S time trails and do it for y/n." Heath spoke up as they began to speak about their next competitor.

After the time trials and with them losing, they were sitting in the room they had for the team thinking about what had happened. Mr Dan talked to them, until his phone rang. Once he returned he had a slight smile on his face.

"What the matter Mr Dan?" Nana asked for everyone.

"That was the hospital regarding y/n and they are letting one person visit for the day since visiting hours are over for now." Mr Dan explained to them as he looked to Kyosuke then to Heath.

"Give her my love, Heath and tell her I'll see her tomorrow." Kyosuke told him whilst smiling at him.

He just stared at him and Kyosuke nodded, whilst the team told him to give her there love and to get better soon. Heath then left the room and made his way to the hospital; after getting the name from Mr Dan. Once he got there the receptionist let him though whilst being escorted by a nurse. When he got to the room y/n was in, he saw her looking out the window with her left ankle in a cast. He walked over to her and kissed her head. She turned towards him and smiled while hugging him. He got onto her hospital bed with her as she laid her head on his chest.

"Kyosuke sent you didn't he." She asked, well, more like stated.

He chuckled at her whilst nodding his head. He hugged her tightly to him and buried his face in her hair.

"Everyone wishes you well and your brother wanted me to tell you he loves you and will see you tomorrow." Heath told him what everyone had said.

Y/n giggled and snuggled closer towards Heath. She looked up at him, from burying her face into his chest, and then kissed his lips. He didn't hesitate to kiss her back and hugged her close; being mindful of her ankle.

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