Keade (Hakkenden eight worries of the east)

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It was a peaceful day, as peaceful as it can get, when Keade got back to the Kona-ya inn he saw Genpachi with a kitten in his lap, but it wasn't an ordinary kitten. It's (h/c) fur stands out with (f/c) tips, eyes shut as the kitten was sleeping.

"Why do you have a demon kitten with you, if it's mother finds out you have taken it there will be chaos around the capital city." Keade told him as he walked closer to the kitten and got a better look at it.

Closer inspection told him that it was a girl and for some reason he felt like he has meet her before. Before Genpachi could answer to Keade the kitten began to wake up. She opened her (e/c) orbs, which were rare among normal cats but for a demon was even more rare. The kitten moved closer to the warmth around her, which happened to Genpachi. When she decided to look around she saw Keade watching her and she began to sink away but suddenly started to purr, as Genpachi began to stroke her fur.

"I found her wondering about in a ally. I didn't bring her here without finding out if she has a mother first, besides you can be her father now." Genpachi told him as he carried on stroking the kitten.

Keade was about to pounce on Genpachi until he remembered that the kitten was sitting on his lap, also Nachi came in and sat down next to Keade and began to stroke him. He began to purr like the kitten. When Nachi saw the kitten he took her from Genpachi, after stop stroking Keade, and brought her up to eye level. Eyes widening when he saw her (e/c) orbs.

"Hey Keade, you do know that you are going to have look after the demon kitten?" He ask him; more like stated.

"Why?!" He shouted out, which made the kitten jump out of Nachi's arms and out the door.

Genpachi and Nachi was going to go get her but was stopped by Shino calling after her and Murasame squawk and flapping of wings. Not long after that, Shino and Murasame came in and Shino was holding the kitten. She purring as he was stroking her under her ear were she liked it. He sat down with her in his lap and looked at them. Genpachi explained how he found her on the streets and brought her back because he couldn't leave her on her own, which Shino agreed with him, then Nachi went on to explain that she was a demon kitten, which Shino didn't believe until Murasame confirmed.

"That doesn't tell me why she ran out like something was chasing after her." Shino told them.

By now the (h/c) fur with (f/c) tips tips was cuddling with Keade as he has told her he wasn't going to hurt or scare her anymore. He saw that she was dirty and began to lick her clear . She was trying to get away but he put a paw in front of her to stop her from running away. Soon they left and Keade was left alone with her.

"D-daddy." The kitten purred out as she now laid in between his legs and cuddle up to his chest and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Keade's heart jumped when she said that, he looked at her before a soft smile came onto his face as he lowed his head next to her.

"Yes, goodnight my sweet." He whispered before sleep took him as well.

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