1. Him

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Oscar was an ambivert; a person whose mind spoke extrovert and introvert simultaneously.
His father was the head salesperson in a well renowned organization and his mother was a psychologist. He had moved out of his hometown when he was young and was finally back.
His father stayed back while his mother and brother shifted back with him.
He was quite popular in his old neighborhood and loved being here than his previous home.
He loved his life the way it was, he would regularly cycle with his childhood friends, watch movies with them on a weekend and flirt with neighborhood girls at his leisure.
He had everything a 15-year-old would ever need.
But all of this changed.
It happened on 1st September when he joined High school as a freshman. It was his first day.
He walked in the classroom wearing blue ironed shirt and brown trousers. He wore wide frame glasses like the ones you would wear on a bike or so. As he came in, he eyed the first bench in the class, the spot next to mine, and proceeded to sit.
While I was busy gaming, he introduced himself to me. I found him quite a bother, too bright sided for someone like me, I shrugged and told him my name and continued gaming.
The first lecture was Math, I hated it. But this guy, he took out a fresh new book and started noting down everything the teacher said.
I started to get more annoyed by him.
It was soon recess and tried to make a getaway from him. But he followed me to the canteen and sat right next to me
I had to get rid of him he was getting on my nerves now.
Pretty soon it was the last lecture, Environmental science, something I felt was like a getaway to the hectic subjects.
He tried to talk to me about the subject but I did not show any interest in him. So, he quietened down. The teacher walked 5 minutes later.
He started giving us a brief idea of what the subject is, and later told us to introduce ourselves with a short paragraph of what the subject was for us.
Being the happy go idiot, he started first and spoke for ten straight minutes.
A few students later, she spoke,
that's right, it's finally time for her to enter, isn't it?
A beautiful lightly dark skin girl with pleasant a face stood up and her voice was something you could never have possibly have heard before. A tone of sweet yet assertive attitude.
I took a looked at Oscar, he was dazzled by her.
He didn't take his eyes of her for almost a minute, then looked at me. He was a bright shade of red. Then he stared at her through short glimpses and turns. But he wasn't the only one. All the kids in the class were staring at her. And it all started to feel creepy after one point of time.

"My name is Rio Sanchez, I'm a freshman just like all of you here. I'd like to descibr myself as a person who stands for what is right. My interests or hobbies are gardening and talking walks in the park, so when asked what this subject is to me, I would say it is everything I live for, nature. I believe without the comforts of what nature provides us with, our civilization would not have stood a chance on survival, and what we are doing with it is an utter shame. I hope to learn everything I can to save my home planet with all kinds of alternate usages of what we are currently using, which is also what I expect from this subject as well"

"Very well said Rio" the teacher was also starstruck at this point.
"Thank you, sir"
Those 2 hours then flew over like the breeze, but the memory of her that Oscar had, was indescribable. That ended quite swiftly but had I made a new friend? Dramatic events were definitely going to take place if I was around him, so it might get annoying at some point.

But what is human life without drama?

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