4. New girl

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The event of gifting had definitely gotten the two a lot friendlier with each other.
Another significant change was about to happen though.
It was the slightly less cold day in the month of February. Oscar was travelling in his usual bus. When he saw a girl entering the bus. She came and sat right in front of him. Catching his curiosity Oscar wished to know her name.
But he wasn't confident.
So, he sat quietly listening to his iPod and after a while noticed that she got off one stop earlier than him. That was it for him. Probably the last time he would see her, or not?
The Annual Sports day had arrived. Oscar was excited. It was his first actual Sports day where anyone was allowed to participate. In his previous school, only people who could run fast were allowed, even in an event like Shot put or Javelin.
He participated in every event, tired himself out thoroughly. He didn't actually win anything unfortunately but the day was really important for him.
He walked to where his friends had put up a picnic. He sipped on his water sipper as his gaze went toward the track field. He spotted Rio and the other girls from his class.
Standing next to Rio in the girls' event was his mystery girl. She wore red sweatpants and a oversized football jersey, her hair was tied up and she looked very determined to win the race.
Oscar could not take his eyes off her, as she ran past every one of the girls on the track.
She was a very good athlete, running, long jump she had medals in them all.
Her presence had a huge effect on him. Talkative and lively Oscar was zip shut.
He nervously asked his friends for help, but to his disappointment, they all made fun of him. Honestly even I feel she wasn't his type.
Rio supported Oscar when she heard the boys talking and teasing him.
She went and introduced herself and started chatting with her. Half an hour later Rio came back to the nervous wreck and told him that she was a good girl and he should go talk to her.
It had been a while since Oscar had dated as far as I know, thus he still wasn't confident enough to talk to a girl. Apparently, he had only dated girls he knew for a long time, never talked to new girls right off the bat.
Nevertheless, Rio dragged him there and made him introduce himself to the girl.
Her name was Liv. A sweet bubbly but very loud girl. She was an extrovert, and immediately gave her phone number to Rio.
Liv looked at Oscar from the corner of her eye, and continued chatting with her friends.
Oscar was worried, he didn't want to mess it up, so he started planning his approach with her. He couldn't. She was always surrounded by people. A barrier that worked against him.
"Try later, you don't have to start from today"
"Are you sure? I feel like I won't meet her again"
"You just found out we're in the same school as her, you will meet her again"
"Okay then, I shall retreat for now, Hohohoho"
"Okay tough man" I snickered.
The day ended well, our class lost the overall scores, but it was pretty fun to watch.
Oscar did see her after that, every two to three days he would see her in the bus.
He started by waving at her every time he saw her, smiling at her when he saw her in school. He also tried talking to her in person, but wasn't successful as such.
Over the months he did manage to open up to her. Liv was an extrovert, and loved to talk.
You could often see them talking continuously for hours after school. Many a times she lifted up his gloom with positive energy.
Who knew it would come to this so soon?

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