22. Finish him!

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"You do realize what you did there was a bad thing right?" I questioned him.
"She deserved it" he retorted back.
"No, she didn't, and now I'm starting to feel you deserved what she did to you"
"You're supposed to be on my side'
"I'm am on your side, but did you even hear yourself over there?"
"Yea obviously, the words came out of my mouth"
"That was the most disrespectful thing you could've ever said to anyone"
"She deserved it"
"SHE DIDN'T OSCAR" I yelled at him.
He was shocked, hell I was shocked.
"She is free to have her own opinion of people and just because she doesn't like you back doesn't mean she is less of a human. You're hurt and that is acceptable, but hurting who you love because they didn't reciprocate your feelings is not the solution. You love her so much? Deal with it then, let her be happy in her own world. She isn't your pet for you to force her or to adopt her so she can fall in love with you as you feed her every day. I hate the fact that you even thought about it. She is her own person. The whole reason you fell in love with her was because of that attribute of hers. Her independence, her morals, her social ethics, you fell for those. You're only contradicting yourself by what you did there."
"Wow, I didn't know you felt that strongly about her"
"You're my friend you dumb little egghead, I've seen you fall for her every day, every time she smiled, every time she goofed up and heck even if she was pissed at you, you couldn't stop falling for her. I'm really disappointed in you. I really am."
"I'm sorry"
"Go say that to her, I'm not the one you hurt" "You just said you were disappointed in me" "This is why you suck"
"Just go apologize to her"
"Will she accept it?"
"She won't, she has her self-respect unlike you" "What do I do then"
"Go and apologize and give her some time" "Okay''
He ran out of his room, onto the streets and disappeared into the horizon.

It didn't work obviously, he went and begged her to forgive him but she told him to stay away from him. He came back home dejected. Yeah, he deserved that.
Two weeks later he received a call from Liv, who had been trying to reach him for a while, but couldn't get ahold of him.
"Hey, you finally picked up my call"
"Yeah, I haven't been feeling really well"
"You could've texted me that"
"I'm sorry"
"Make it up to me now"
"Okay, what do you want me to do?"
"Are you home alone?"
"Yeah at the moment"
"Good now open the door and let me in"
"Wait wha-"
"Just let me in, its embarrassing this way"
He looked out of the window and sure enough, Liv was at his door.
"Give me five minutes, I need to freshen up a bit."
"That's fine I don't mind"
"If you say so"
He went downstairs and opened the door for her. She was in a tank top and tight jeans. Normally if Oscar would've seen a cute girl like this, he would do everything in his power to impress her. But today or as a matter of fact the past two weeks weren't his normal days.
"Wow you have a really great house here"
"Oh yeah you're here for the first time, welcome to my natural habitat"
"So, this is where you thrive" she snickered.
"Haven't for a few days" she realized she had struck a nerve.
"Is something wrong, I haven't even seen you in school lately."
"I just don't feel like going anymore"
"Even I don't but that isn't a reason to skip"
"What happened, what are you here for?"
"I just got worried and came to check up on you."
"Oh, how did you know I lived here?"
"I asked Rio"
"And she gave you, my address?"
"She suggested that I visit you, I just asked her where you were"
"Something happen between the two of you?"
"Nothing worth know-" his stomach interrupted with a roar.
"How long has it been since you had a proper meal?"
"I have no idea"
"Let me cook up something for you."
"Please don't trouble yourself, I'm fine as you can see" he flexed his arm and cramped it.
"You haven't even been drinking water"
"Sit on the couch, I'll get you a glass of water"
Oscar collapsed on it instead of sitting, the mental stress of it all had started to toll on him physically.
"Here have this" Liv handed him a mug.
"I don't want to"
"I can't"
"I guess I have no option then."
She sat on his lap and grabbed his face with one hand, pulled him upwards toward her and the other hand forced the water down his throat.

Oscar drank all of it one gulp, which didn't make sense because it was a long mug and not a regular soda cup. "Were you trying to kill me!" he looked at her with a pissed expression.
"Why would I?" she placed the mug on the coffee table in front of the couch, grabbed the other half of his face and placed it on her face. Their lips met and before he knew it, her tongue was wrestling around his mouth. He immediately pushed her away.
"What are you trying to do, what the hell?"
"Trying to get you back to life, I heard CPR helps"
"That is not how CPR works Liv"
"At least your face is red now, it was pale white five minutes ago"
He had to admit that it worked, his train of thoughts had been derailed for a very long time, so a shock like this brought it back on track.
"You're welcome" she said as she walked into the kitchen.
Two minutes later, Oscar smelled a delicious aroma, something was crackling and frying. He hadn't gotten up from the couch, but this made him want to.
And it was a sight to behold, Liv was cooking an omelet and bacon while the toaster was grilling some bread in it. For the first time in two weeks, Oscar was hungry.
He hugged her from behind, his arms around her waist.
"Aww this is the best thank you ever" she turned around and put her arms around his neck.
"It feels like we're a couple living together"
"Just let me be like this and don't say a word, please"
"Oh okay" she looked disappointed; she definitely loved the idea of playing house but whatever Oscar was going through was much more serious than that.

Food was ready, she set him on the table top and started feeding him. He looked like a child being fed by his mother, no thoughts, just a painful existence.
He finally looked at her and said, "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I like you dummy"
"And I have been waiting all these months for you to make a move on me, which you clearly didn't, so I decided to take the initiative."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know"
"How did you not notice! We went out so many times this summer, I was very sure you would make it official, even my friends thought we were dating."
"I'm so sorry, I messed up"
"You have to tell me what this is about before we go on with my plan"
"What plan?"
"Tell me what happened first"
"Okay" he said as he took a hard gulp. He looked her in the eyes and said, "I have been in love with a girl for the past 10 months now, and I finally had the courage to say it to her, but she didn't feel the same way"
"And you have been using me as a replacement?"
"No, I like you, and you're a really good friend, I feel at peace when I'm with you."
"What does she feel like if I'm your peace?"
"Home" he took a pause, "My home back when I was a kid, the nostalgic feeling that everything is fine and I don't ever have to worry about anything, my home"
"Wow I couldn't even stand a chance against Rio"
"It's not like tha- wait how do you know"
"Girls know"
"What you guys have a radar or something?"
"I've seen the way you look at me, it's lust in your eyes, but for her, its adoration, there's a warm glow in your eyes when she's around."
"I don't know if that's true"
"Trust me I know; besides I don't mind it this way" her hands reached toward his face and she kissed him. She raised his hand to her chest, "This is how you make me feel"
"No, you dummy, feel my heartbeat for you"
"I really can't feel a thing, it's probably because you're too-" she kissed him as he spoke in her mouth.
"I'll show you then." Her hands lowered from his shoulder to his stomach. She was about to reach his jeans button when he suddenly pushed her off.
"I can't do this with you"
"I thought you liked me"
"I do but I really can't, it won't be fair to you"
"I don't really mind"
"I mind though, if I'm giving you myself, I want to give you hundred percent of it."
"I don't think I can take in all that much inside" she joked.
"I'm being serious, give me some time, I need to get over her."
"You won't. Ever. Even if you manage to get in a relationship with me or anybody, she won't be out of your system. She has become a part of you, whether you wanted it or not."
"We've never done anything like that"
"They way you speak, the way you behave now, it has changed since the first time I saw you. You've started taking care of yourself more. Her effect, her mark I can see it all over you."
"There's no way-"
"And I also know you're going to change more and more for her."
"No, I'm not going to" he could feel his stress rising.
"You will, you see, you're not just attracted to her, you worship her."
"Stop it" he warned
"She's your-"
"I said ENOUGH"
"Jeez you didn't have to yell"
"You won't stop when I tell you to"
"Fine, but know this, I'm there if you need something, call me" she got up to leave.
"I don't think I'll ever love again"
"You will, but it won't be the same"

Oscar didn't hesitate about letting her leave, normal guys would've pounced at the opportunity, but I guess that's how bad it was for him.

"Did I do the right thing? I've always wanted to with her but I suddenly can't feel the feel you know"
"Very nice Oscar, feel the feel" I laughed.
"You get what I'm saying"
"I do yes, she wanted you to use her to get over Rio, never let go of this friendship you have with her"
"I don't think that's friendship"
"She cares, that is important"

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