21. Sea of no Hope

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Summer break ended in a second and it was all over for Oscar. A white soul-less creature took his place and sat in Oscar's seat. We were seniors now and were finally going to graduate after this. His misery was about to end soon. Two weeks into the new term and we were being assigned group projects, ones that would help us with our college applications, making it slightly easier to get into better colleges. Not everyone was enthusiastic about it, many just wanted to get over with school and start working their lives as adults.
Every student was made to draw a stick with a number on it for the groups. I wouldn't say it was fate this time, because Oscar saw what number Rio had picked and intentionally looked for the same number and grouped
himself up with her. At this point I didn't know if he had any self-respect or if was just a masochist.
"I don't want to work with guy" Rio yelled after finding out Oscar was in her group.
"We can't change groups for every single student who wishes to do so, it will be chaos" a faculty responded.
"Ugh, why me"
Oscar's shattered heart was breaking into even more pieces than it was.
"We're not talking anything other than work, if there is anything, swallow it up, I just want to get over with this"
"Yeah, let's be professionals about this" he smiled at her
"Cool then, deal?"
"Deal" they shook hands and went on with the rest of their classes. The other two people in their group stared at each other wondering what just happened.
Their project slowly came into form, they researched on Aeronautics, a subject that was Oscar's preferred subject.
They built their project from scratch with the help of the other teammates. It was all going good until Oscar caught Rio slacking off. She was given a deadline to complete her task, which she didn't. Nevertheless, Oscar completed her side of the job and that pissed her off.
"What do you think you're doing"
"I was going to do this part"
"But you didn't"
"I would've if you had let me"
"There was no way you were going to complete it on time"
"Don't make assumptions about me"
"Do your work on time then, I know you can do it but we have a deadline too, can't let your incompetence affect our work"
"Oh! I don't work on time so you think I'm incompetent, do you?"
"No, I'm just trying so you at least get into the college you wanted to"
"So, I'm so incompetent, Mr. Knight in shining armor has to save me?"
"Enough, I just covered for you and that's it"
"I don't want you to cover for me, I can handle myself way better than you can"
"Shut the hell up, your brainless ass couldn't even see what was good for you"
"Oh, so this is what this is about, I rejected something that was good for me, listen up, even if you were the most grown up person around here I wouldn't have wanted anything to do with you."
"Like hell even I wanted to you ugly whore" Oscar crossed a line he shouldn't have.
"I don't need you telling me that, to hell with this, you're the most childish person I've met."
"And you're the most self-absorbed woman who is so blind she can't even see if there's mud in front of her or gold."
"Get out of here, you're not capable of doing anything on your own, you say you're sooo independent but you can't even do simple things without relying on others."
"I'll do whatever the hell I want."
"Suit yourself"

They both walked from the room. I was glad it was finally over. Anymore and one of them was going to tear the other apart. One wanted to be accepted and the other didn't care.

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