25. Epilogue

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25. Epilogue
It had been 3 months since they talked or saw each other. I went and visited Oscar occasionally to check up on him but every time I did, I could see the pain in his eyes. I tried cheering him up as much as I could, many a times he did smile, but it wasn't the smile I remember, the one that would make a person feel that everything is going to be alright.
He moved into his new college dorm; he had gotten into his last backup option. He was determined to make it through the ordeal in one piece.
"Everything in place kid?" his dad said.
"Yea pops, I should be good to live here"
"Great then, Mum should be also done talking to the dorm manager"
"I wonder who my roommate is"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, he stopped by an hour ago while you were getting the boxes out of the car." "What was his name?"
"Yukie Saru or something?"
"Wait did he say where he was from?"
"He didn't mention. Why?"
"I had a Yukie Saru in my school as well"
"That's perfect then, you guys will bond immediately"
"Yeah, that would be nice"
"Anyway kid, we have to leave now, parents visiting time is almost over"
"Okay pops, I'll come and drop you till your car."
"Yes, hug your mother as well"
"Aye sir"
He dropped off his parents in their car and said, "Thank you for everything guys" "Aww come home whenever you miss us" his mom replied.
"I will"
The car drove away.
He walked back to his room; it was on the second floor. As soon as he got in, he saw his new roomie. "Ayo bro it is you" Oscar was very relieved.
"Oscar, oh damn, feels like I'm back home again"
"Same man, same"
They talked all night about what all they both had done in their vacations. They discussed what they were both majoring in, to their dismay, it wasn't the same course, but the fact that they both saw a familiar face was good enough.
"So, what was up with you and Rio in high school"
"Nothing much, I asked her out, she said no, game over"
"That sounds bad, you guys in contact though?"
"Nothing, you don't get do overs in games do you"
"You can always start the game again, from level 1"
"I wish, but no it's over now, I'm moving on, one step at a time"
"Sure man, there's some crazy hot girls too I've heard in this university" "Could be"
"I also heard there's a model or something in the class you're taking"
"Where are you getting all of this information from" Oscar laughed.
"The walls have ears bro"
"Sure" they fell asleep soon enough.

It was 7am. Oscar woke up to his alarm. He got up stretched and walked to his room's window with a brush in his mouth.
"It's going to be a fresh new start!"
"Turn it down yo, I'm trying to sleep"
"Wake up Yukie, it's going to be a beautiful day today."
"Ah crap, I thought I was at home"
"That comfortable?"
Yukie nodded as he sat straight on his bed.
The two showered quickly headed to the cafeteria for a cup of joe and raced to their building. They were in the same one as their base course was the same, just the major subjects were different.

"See you later bro" Yukie said.
"Wait we need a cool handshake" Oscar stopped him.
"What do you have in mind?"
"I saw this dope handshake in a show on TV, the two best buds smack their right hands and go pshhhh backward with those hands."
"I may have seen that show too, sounds lame but who cares"
They proceeded to do the stupidest handshake ever, it wasn't even a handshake, but they had fun doing it, something only the two of them knew.
Oscar walked in the class; it was more of a hall than a class to be precise. "That's why it's called a lecture hall."
"Makes sense"
"This is so going to be so much fun"
The professor walked in the class. "Good morning class my name is-"
Oscar's focus shifted toward the door, his senses were warning him about something, his heart started beating faster. The door swung open and the most gorgeous human anyone could've seen walked in. A sharp looking brunette with the aura of superiority.

It was her

It was Rio.

She was in the same class as him.

She was in front of him apologizing to the professor.

Oscar's heart took a dip, stopped for half a minute.

Everything rushed back in.

All the memories, all the good times and the bad.

The Hopeless Romantic was back again.

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