13. Lost in her

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The mid-terms ended miserably, Oscar left every one of them halfway and had given up on clearing any of the subjects. It wasn't just him to be frank, many of us hadn't done very well. But it was followed by winter vacations, something we looked forward to after all the months of slogging. Oscar wasn't heard of the entire period; he had gone incognito and nobody knew why. He just wanted to spend time with his childhood friends, with whom he played baseball and board games all day.
However, he made plans with Rio to watch a movie, some movie he had seen as a kid had come up with a second part almost 5 years later, and Rio was bored of staying home as well, decided to join him.
They met up at school and decided to take a bus from there. They directly reached the cinema hall right on time, they walked in and the movie began.
When the interval came up, the both of them realized that the entire hall was filled with children and they were the only teenagers in there. To further Rio's embarrassment, Oscar joined the kids while they ran around and played tag. The children were filled with energy while Oscar was running out. He headed out and bought a large bucket of caramel popcorn for Rio. Rio saw him enter the hall with it and smacked her forehead with disapproval. He smiled at her and said, "Caramel popcorn is the best option rn"
"Don't tell me you are planning to run again with them"
"Not really, I just felt like we could use some sugar"
"You have it, I don't like too much sugar in my system"
"Oh okay" dejected Oscar sat down and started snacking on the Popcorn.
The movie started back in a minute and the hall got dark again. A while into the movie he noticed that the popcorn was almost over and wondered if he actually ate all of that. He kept a watch on the number of kernels entering his mouth when he saw Rio's hand stretching in, take out a handful and munched on it. He whispered in her ear, "I thought you weren't going to have it"
She whispered back, "I don't think you can finish it on your own as it is, so I'm helping by not wasting it."
"Sure sure" Oscar grinned and focused on the movie.
They walked out of the Cinema Hall after the movie. Oscar was happy and Rio also enjoyed the movie.
"Do you want to walk back to the main bus station?" Oscar suggested.
"Sounds good" she replied.
They headed out on to the road and walked on the pedestrian section of it.
Five minutes in, they realized that they were lost.
"Um didn't we just pass by this intersection" Rio asked.
"I don't think we did, right?" Oscar wasn't sure himself.
"I think we did"
"Let's check a map"
Oscar always carried a map of the city with him as he marked places he wanted to visit and believed that an adventure can start anytime, so he would be prepared for it.
Despite this, they realized that they didn't know where they were on the map. They asked around for directions and followed the instructions of other pedestrians who passed by them.
"Yeah, we're back to square one aren't we"
They found themselves on the same intersection they had marked in their memories earlier.
"Let's at least ask someone what the intersection is named, we'll know where to go using the map then." Rio suggested.
Soon they followed the map after finding their exact location on it. Nevertheless, the navigator was Oscar and they ended up at a dead end.
"I was damn sure; we were heading the right way."
"Give that to me, you're bad at this" Rio snatched the map from him. She leaded them for another 5 minutes and they ended up in a completely different area.
"Okay we both suck at this"
"And now we're lost in the middle of nowhere"
"Let's just walk in one direction till we see a bus stop"
"That would be wise"
"It's my idea so it will be"
"Wise girl got us lost"
"You did too"
"I ain't saying I'm wise"
"Let's just walk now"
They had been walking aimlessly for almost an hour now. The sugar in the popcorn was definitely used up in their bodies and as all hopes went down, they saw a bus stop, and a bus approaching it in front of them. They both synchronously ran at top speeds and made it in the bus on time.

They headed to the main bus terminal from there. Rio popped her earphones out, gave the right earpiece to Oscar and played her songs. It was a quiet ride, and Oscar loved that he didn't feel the urge or the necessity to say anything to her. They could sit in silence for hours to come.
They both took separate buses that went directly to their homes from the main terminal.
"This was fun!" Oscar yelled as she entered her bus.
Rio laughed and replied back yelling, "Let's not get lost again!" and her bus took off.

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