23. Spring

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Oscar resumed school the week after. He looked like was doing better. He told everyone he was out for an urgent family matter and requested Liv to keep it a secret from everyone. Turns our Rio had also missed classes for a week. She wouldn't look at him when she came two days after Oscar joined back. Everyone knew something was up, but they didn't know what exactly.

Oscar dived into the Gym domain; he started working out. It was a neat little distraction for him, a way to direct his pain and anger into something productive. He got leaner over the weeks and started attracting attention from girls who weren't interested in him previously.

Rio eventually had to talk to him, because they still had their group project to finish up with, and it wasn't the same as before, they were both cold toward each other. I feel like both of them were trying to protect the same person, Oscar.

Their project was a moderate success, it wasn't their best work, but it did the job. They cleared the school's passing criteria.

Oscar tried to make small talk with Rio, but it wasn't of any use. She had entirely shut him out of her life. I know somewhere inside his heart, he still had hope, that candle was somehow still burning.

All he did was recite sad poems to me. Like,
"There once was a seed
that was put to feed
with a bunch of others
in a farm far away
a hen missed her out
she fell on the ground
And began her sedulous journey.

Soon the rain fell on
the soil nourished her now
the warmth elated the land
and rose toward the sky
a few coddled days later
her tiny bud grew open
and beamed her majestic self.

Storms and droughts went by
her royal shine never died
she wilted but raised again
as bleaky days became weeks
man came across the glow
wished to get her close
his soul wailed for her.

He plucked, plowed and plundered
how he wished her refulgence
ill talked and left alone
he gave up in tears
often walked past her zone
never dared to go near
filled with shame and fear.

A mighty hurricane lo approached
layed destruction where it bowed
man left his home behind
ran over to the flower
harsh winds blew on cold
embraced and didn't let go
his life protected the ordeal.

But villainous gloom went away
the sun regaled warmth again
her existence gave him hope
grateful of the encounter with
The flower that valiantly bloomed"
It's got a nice ring to it I guess?

Oscar had applied into 5 of the top universities in the country as well as 4 backup universities. The entire process was very gruesome, he failed the interviews at all 5 of his preferred universities, his scores were too low compared to what the students from all over the world had to offer.
He was very sure Rio had gotten into the university they both had decided to get into. He was confident in her ability to convince and project herself onto others. Her unwavering beliefs were what made her strong.
He felt at loss when he couldn't get into that university, but it was for the best. It was time he moved on.
"It really is over for me isn't it"
"It's a good thing it is, you need this closure"
"It does feel like I will"
"The more you see her the more the memories are going to come rushing back"
"So yeah I'll be going to one of the backup colleges then"
"Take the one that is closest from home, so you won't have to travel much"
"What is the point of college life if I have to come back home" he pouted.
"So that you can concentrate on your studies and get on with your dreams"
"She lives in my dreams"
"Time to get you new dreams then"
"If only that were possible"
"You'll get on with your life soon enough Oscar, but for now do what I'm going to tell you to do" "Now what is that?"
"Distract yourself"
"I already am"
"Not just with gym, with women too"
"Ask other girls out, as you are now your success rate has gone up by 70% of what it was before."
"I am so not doing that"
"Try it out at least, there's no harm in trying"
"Fine but one week only"
"Oh no for the 6 months until your college starts"
"You'll meet girls with similar interests over there, and if you collect enough experience from this six-month training period, then it will be a walk in the park for you."
"Fine whatever"
"So, starting with this girl," I opened his phone and typed an ID in his social media application. "try talking to her see how it goes"
"If you say so"
"I know so, if you can't find the perfect rock to fill a pothole, you try to fill it with as many tinnier rocks as you can"

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