Part 4: The History of Wonderland

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He stood up and finished dressing my arm. After reaching out his hand, he pulled me up with him and I found that we were inches apart.

"You alright?" He stepped back, wiping the loose ringlets of hair away from my face.

"I think so." I felt disorientated again, "If you don't mind my asking? If this is Wonderland then what happened here?" Hatter sat on the bed where I had slept and reached for a book from underneath the misshapen pillow. "What's that?" I asked, immediately feeling like I shouldn't have asked. He opened it delicately, "This is the history of Wonderland" He looked me deep in the eyes again, but this time I saw that there was hate and anger in those blue eyes. An anger I had never known could exist in him. As he turned each page of the book, all I saw was words and sketches of shadows and monsters. Not all of them were dark but some were filled with creatures with fangs and spiked venomous tails. There were a limited few at the start of the book. The images were filled with bright colours and the White Rabbit stood beside a very funny looking pair who I remembered as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. But that's not how Hatter explained any of it. "You think you know the stories of Wonderland. Of how it was a magical place filled with so much joy and happiness. That's how it started." His face began to change with pain and anguish as it filled him from the inside. "Wonderland was an amazing place, everyone was happy... Until one day everything went dark. Shadows began to fill the sky. The trees began to die and the animals began to flee. My family is dead, my friends have fled the city and all because of her." He stopped to reveal a sketch of the most beautiful woman I could ever imagine. A red-haired woman with dark green eyes and fair skin. She was the image of beauty. Dressed in black, red and white clothes, with heels that could pierce a man's skull. "The Red Princess, Daughter of The Red Queen. The cruellest ruler Wonderland has ever known. She destroyed anything that was left of the Wonderland children read about. She turned it into her own world, full of creatures and shadows who can kill a human with just one look. Her reign in Wonderland has gone on for years, she is truly her mother's daughter, she's killed anyone who stood against her. All of the White Queens family are dead, and their guards are now under the command of the Princess. She uses women and children as slaves and maids. Men are just her play things." He turned to me, my eyes filled with such sorrow, knowing he had lost his family to this girl who was so cruel, so wicked that's when my brain finally ticked as I realised.

"Oh My God, Jonathan!..." I stood running to grab my shoes.

"Who?" He followed me, starting the question with the same distraught tone had finished his history lesson with. "Jonathan, my boyfriend. I think she's the one who's taken him."

I tossed my head from side to side looking for my shoes and coat. "The man that took him, he had a mark on his face. A scar that looked like a... ERGH! Where are my shoes and coat?"

"Wait, you didn't say anything about this before. Why the sudden rush to go?" He didn't answer my question, and I was beginning to feel like he was keeping me here.

"Why does it matter? He's my boyfriend. I can't just sit here, he might be hurt." I ran past him again looking for my shoes.

"Listen Alice, I don't know who you are talking about but you can't just go out into the city. What if something happens to you? You're not exactly in perfect health to go anywhere let alone save your boyfriend..." His voice suddenly grew with concern for me. I stopped. Dead.

"Look, it's my fault that Jonathan's here. Please! Just help me find him and then you won't have to see either of us again... Please Hatter!" My voice began to crack. Hatter took a few seconds before he took a long deep breath,

"I can't. I won't" I was now overcome with this feeling of pain. Of loss. Of disappointment. "You don't understand...She'll kill you both."

"After everything you've been through. After everything she's done. You're really not gonna help me? You can't just sit here. Is it so bad to want to put a little bit of good back into Wonderland...?" A sudden flush of anger came over me as he did not respond, "You're a coward. You could have been the hero to your story, Hatter." He walked away in shame. Realising I had to save Jonathan on my own. I walked into the hallway, when I came across an ornate wardrobe and opened it to discover a range of clothes.. Clothes for both men and women, and there at the bottom of the wardrobe were shoes. Trainers and boots of varied sizes. 'They must be his family.' I thought to myself trying on the different pieces to fit me. After a few minutes, I settled on wearing a pair of ripped jeans with a warm burgundy shirt and a blue hooded trench coat identical to my own coat back home. I finished the look with a pair of old boots and headed into the hallway. Heading towards the door I found myself turning back, that's when I saw Hatter standing a few feet away with a distinguished smile to his face, "You were right, I can't sit here another day knowing I could help. Besides, you wouldn't get very far without me." his sarcasm sparked back into his voice. 

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