Part 22: Head or Heart? Home or Home?

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Marina had been sentenced for an eternity in prison. (Or in this case in the Bella Lavaria dungeons.) and all the men who stayed loyal to her were defeated or locked away with her. Wonderland celebrated and paraded our victory. And the week had ended with a celebrational masquerade ball.

Amelia dressed me in the most beautiful blue dress I had ever seen. To finish off she gave me a box with white ribbon wrapped around it. The label read, 'Fit for a queen.' I smiled and opened the box, revealing a silver and blue mask with white pires sticking out like a crown. I smiled. It was perfect.

I made my way down the hallways and entered the grand hall, the people of Wonderland cheered as I walked by them smiling. Cheers of 'Thank You' and 'Bless you your highness' as I walked by and spoke with them.

A few hours had passed and I had been around speaking to every one of my citizens, getting to know the people my father protected for years. Until I was left alone, for a split second at least. I turned to a familiar voice. Hatter.

"May I have this dance your Highness?" he smiled, bowing as he asked me.

"My good sir, you may." I replied smiling mischievously back at him.

We reached the centre of the ballroom and smiled at one another. I curtsied as he bowed before finally pulling me into his arms to dance. My head rested on his shoulders, and his hand entwined in mine. It was perfect.

"Alice? What's going to happen now?" he softly asked. I looked up at him.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Your sister's locked up. Her army is defeated. Jack's safe. I mean that was the reason you stayed after all." He looked into my eyes,

"Hatter... at first, I just wanted to save Jack and go home." I said

"And now?" he asked. I took a breath but before I could speak there was a clear "AHEM!" behind us both...Jack

"May I cut in? Hatter?" Hatter nodded and left without arguing, he smiled and gave him my hand. Turning he bowed and walked away, leaving me with Jack.

"You're looking better." I smiled while making conversation.

"I feel better... what are you going to do now that Wonderland's safe again?" I pulled away and stood still, looking up at him I replied,

"I really don't know."

"Alice, it's okay..."

"No! It isn't. I came here to find you and go home." I interrupted.

"And you did find me. I'm safe. You're home now. This is where you belong. This is where you were born." He reasoned with me.

"But what about my mother?" I questioned realising how I had missed her during my time in Wonderland. " I have to go back... "

"Go back?" Hatter said from behind me, making me turn around slowly. "You're leaving? Why?" he finished with confusion and sadness.

"I have to go back. My mother!" I replied with regret

BANG! BANG! BANG! I turned to find that a fanfare had started and I was unaware as to why.

"May I present her royal highness..." Jack began to smile,

"What are you doing?" I mouthed to him, looking at Hatter who had no idea either as to what was happening.

"The dowager Queen Mariah Ravensworth!" he looked at me and smiled.

As the doors opened and revealed a dark-haired woman with green eyes and pale ivory skin. I recognised her instantly,

"MOTHER!" I began to race down the hall towards her.

"My sweet girl!" She embraced me, holding me tightly in her arms. I began to cry. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your father or about who you really are." Her hands were placed on either side of my face.

"It's alright mama, I understand." After conversing and reuniting with my mother I found Hatter and told him that I was not to leave Wonderland.

He embraced me in a kiss and held me tightly as he spun me around with glee.

I was to stay in Wonderland. (After all, Wonderland was my home. Now and always.)

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