Part 16: The White Princess

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"Ahem" I turned quickly and was surprised to find Hatter sneaking back into the doorway. Amelia rushed towards him, trying to stop him from entering,

"I'm sorry but you can't be in here, Her majesty is..."

"It's alright Amelia, he's a friend." I interrupted her and watched as she curtsied and left the room, leaving Hatter and I alone. He looked at me and smiled,

"It suits you..." I smiled, before I looked at him and looked back in the mirror, "You look beautiful Alice." I quickly turned my head back, hearing the sincerity in his voice. We stared into each other's eyes before we were rudely interrupted again.

"That's Your highness to you!" Jack. We both turned and saw him in his uniform standing with two guards at each side. Hatter looked back at me and bowed before turning on his feet, leaving me alone with Jack again. I watched as he left and my eyes shifted over to Jack.

"Alice, it's time for the celebrations to begin. It would be my honour..."

"Celebrations?! I interrupted.

"...of you return. A feast in your honour." I was lost for breath. I didn't know what to think or say for that matter. "And it is my honour as your assigned protector to escort you." I scoffed. I walked towards him and stood beside him.

"Best get it over with then" I said as I looked dead in front of me, trying to ignore that it was him standing beside me.

We had walked to the entrance of the grand hall, and I stood still in front of it. What if they don't like me? What if I'm not what they want? Thoughts running through my mind, making me dizzy with anxiety.

"You were born to do this Alice." Jack said, breaking the silence. "Here we go." And the doors began to open followed with a large fanfare. "Presenting, Her Royal Highness Alicia of the house of Ravensworth, the rightful Queen of Wonderland." Announced Jack as we stood on the threshold of the door. My heart began to beat frantically as the view of never ending people drew my attention to the size of the room and importance of who I was. All these people were here for me. My breath began to lighten as Jonathan began to lead me down the crimson carpet. And at the end my eyes were drawn to a large silver chair. Like the tiara on my head, this chair was beautifully crafted. Silver with baby blue cushions. (I guess this is where my love of the colour blue came from and why everyone is wearing blue, they must be our colours. Like my sisters are red and black... mine our blue and white.) I watched as the people began to bow as I passed them, one by one almost like a wave. As I pass the many men, women and children they look at me with hope in their eyes and smiles on their faces. They made me feel relaxed.

Jack and I reached the bottom of the stairs where a chair sat above a couple of steps, "Your Highness." He said as he bowed his head and gestured for me to sit upon my father's throne. I reached the throne, turned around slowly, and as I looked out into the crowds of people. Jack addresses the crowd of citizens. "Too long you have suffered, too long we have waited and now our Queen has returned. She who will lead us into a new world. A time to regenerate and exhume Wonderland back to its former glory. I give to you, your Queen." He looks up at me as I stand breathing deeply and slowly as he finishes with. "Long Live the Queen!" The crowd repeats it several times. I smile for a while before he stops them with, "Let the celebrations commence." That's when music begins to play and I watch as the people begin to dance in front of me. Jack comes to my side and kneels, "Your Highness it is time to meet your council." I turn my head to him in confusion. I nod and he turns to usher a man to come before me. He is older than Jack, early 40's I thought by the way he carried himself. His mousey hair and pale skin complimenting his green eyes. He bows in front of me, "Your highness, may I present Lord Fletcher." Fletcher straightens himself up and places his hands behind his back.

"Your highness, it is an honour to see you again."

"Again? I don't understand?" I say in confusion.

"My apologies my lady, I knew you as a child, I taught you how to ride and I helped your father get you away from here. My condolences to your grace." He replied with concern for me. I smiled with the thought of a memory that I could now suddenly remember. Jack looked back and forth from myself to Lord Fletcher as we conversed. Discussing the overview of his role as my advisor and friend. "Anything you need your highness I am at your service." He said before bowing and descending the three steps

Half an hour passed and I had met all my council. Lord Fletcher, Lord Hastings, Lord Evans, Lord Taylor and Lord Williams. Men who had served my father and protected me and my mother. I stood from the throne and looked around the room. Seeing all these faces so happy. It was heart warming seeing some of them stop and smile at me. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I found Hatter standing against a column, near the back of the room. I turned to find Jack talking with Lord Evans and Lord Williams, giving me the opportunity to walk down towards Hatter. I weave my way through the columns trying my best to be discrete and avoid Jack's attention. Finally, I reach him, he has his back to me so I watch as the people in front of him bow to me and cause him to turn around. I smile as he smiles and bows in front of me,

"Your highness."

"Please don't!" I say, irritated that he must call me that. "Yesterday I was Alice, and today I am still Alice" He smiles. "I'm still the same girl you saved from the airship." He gave a smirk,

"The same Alice who saved my life from the Jabberwocky." I smile and giggle as he laughs with me. This is what I have missed. Talking to someone who treats me like an equal and not a royal. "I never thanked you for that, did I?"

"I think we're even." I replied. He steps towards me and holds out his hand, "May I have this dance?" Not giving it a second thought, I smile. "Yes." I reply as he takes my hand and guides me into the middle of the floor.

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