Part 9: The Capture of a Princess

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It was midday and my feet began to ache from all the walking and climbing of hills. Hatter and I had spent the entire journey silent, not speaking a word to each other. I hated long awkward silences, this one wasn't any better.

"Hatter? Are you alright? You haven't said anything since we left." I couldn't bear it any longer. I kind of missed his voice. He carried on walking, slightly faster this time so that he was ahead of me. "Hatter?" He turned on his heels very quickly, knocking me slightly off balance. Anger grew in his face,

"What happened to you last night?" he said. staring down at me with his nostrils flaring in anger. For once I was left speechless, (What could I tell him.) 'Oh, by the way I just found out that I'm the princess of Wonderland and my sister is killing everything and everyone my parents stood for.' I wanted to scream at him, to try and make him understand that two days ago I was just Alice Ravensworth from London England and now I'm the heir to the throne of Wonderland. That's not exactly easy chit chat. So, the only thing I could do was look at him and say

"Nothing, it was just a bad dream." He scoffed in my face and retaliated,

"Really? It looked more than just a bad dream to me, Alice."

"What else do you want me to say, Hatter. I had a bad dream. Most people have them. Can we just let it go?" I went to brush past him before he reached and pulled me back to face him. He wanted the truth and he wanted it now.

"You may not have issues with keeping secrets, but I do. Tell me what happened last night?" His grip loosened as I sighed, I began to shake it was now or never. I took another breath and began,

"While you were asleep, Rabbit told me what really happened to Wonderland. The Red Queen. The White King and Queen... and he also mentioned the story of his daughter." I stopped as he interrupted.

"Yeah, I know the story, everyone does. A jealous queen who bewitched the king and fell pregnant just like her sister." I interrupted him before he could continue his rant.

"Except the King left Wonderland to stop Eracabeth from killing his other daughter." His eyes lit up in confusion, in shock, "Hang on, another daughter. My parents mentioned another girl but I thought she died when she was born." My heart stopped. The Red Queen was a liar as well as a deceiver. We continued to walk again. Finishing the conversation. I told Hatter what Rabbit had told me, about the King and Queen leaving Wonderland to protect their daughter, the only thing I had left to say was who I really was. The big reveal. But before I could say a word Hatter got there first. "Wait! What does that have anything to do with your outburst last night? You really scared the hell out of me. It's like you were possessed. Not that I wasn't sure of you at first, but after last night..." What was his problem? My heart began to double in beats. Quicker, and pulsating more frantically than the last. "Alice? You look as scared as you did last night. Tell me what's wrong." My past was catching up to me and I couldn't stop it.

"For as long as I can remember, I always felt like a piece of my life was missing. It was like my life started when I was young. I had flashes of things I'd never seen before. A past I don't remember. And it started to make sense at first. My dad leaving. My mom's amnesia. Why wouldn't she let me go anywhere by myself." Hatter began to look more confused than ever. It was harder to admit to myself than to him.

"So, what are you saying?"

"The last thing I saw was a girl in red and black clothes standing over me, looking down at me. Her face was full of hate and she spoke to me. She said that everyone I know will die if I don't give myself up." He realised that was when I woke up screaming. Hatter stopped, I think he started to understand but he turned to asked one last question,

"You saw her, didn't you?" he said "The Red Princess. Marina." He said, before looking at me in confusion, "But, why would she want you ..." Hatter was suddenly cut off by a gunshot? We both turned to see where the noise had come from. This time we heard horses as well as another gunshot. Without thinking I took Hatter's hand and started to run. As the horses drew closer, I saw black shadowed figures coming towards us. I looked at Hatter, "...Black knights. Run Alice." No matter how fast we ran, the Knights were quicker as they grew closer and closer. Until there was one coming straight towards us. We both came to a sudden stop, skidding a little before falling to the floor. As our heads rose from the ground, the horses were circling us.

"Ah if it isn't the Mad Hatter, we meet again" My ears twitched, I knew that voice. I'd heard it before. I turned to see the disfigured man standing beside Hatter, holding a knife to his throat.

"You" I whispered, looking up at the man who'd brought me here in the first place. He turned his head and gave me a menacing smile.

"Alright Scarface, Long time. I can't say it's a pleasure." I looked at Hatter with a scornful look on my face, 'Really, you're going to choose now to be cocky. With a knife to your throat.' Before any of us had a chance to speak another familiar voice emerged, 

"ENOUGH!" The guards parted in a tunnel shape to reveal a black horse. As he rode by, each knight bowed their heads. Hatter looked straight at me, with fear in his eyes. Then slowly we saw the figure dismount his horse.

"The Princess wants them alive. " I looked up, recognising the voice.

"Jonathan?" I stood up quickly in amazement. I went to hug him, but I was stopped. He pushed his arms out in front of him to stop me getting any closer. Hatter caught me as I fell back in horror. "Jonathan, what are you doing?" He didn't say anything.

"That's Jonathan!" Hatter shockingly said, "The Red Prince is Jonathan" My face shifted from Hatter's confused look to Jonathan's stern one. I fell silent. I was in shock.

"Take them to the palace, then lock them in the dungeon." Jonathan commanded. As he turned to mount his horse, Hatter threw himself out of the grip of the patchwork man and headed towards Jonathan before he found himself being punched forcefully in the face by another knight, knocking him out. I was placed in chains before he hit the floor.

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