Part 18: Let Battle Commence

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After Hatter and Jack had left me standing in the corridor alone, I decided to retire for the rest of the evening. I was tired. I'd had a rough day and my heart was arguing with my mind.

I woke up the next morning and Amelia came in with breakfast. After she dressed me, she pulled a sapphire and silver dress from the wardrobe and began lacing me into it. Placing the tiara on my head, she always ended with,

"You're ready." I turned and watched as she smiled and curtsied at me. She'd prepared me for my council meeting today. Briefing me as she dressed me about how the meeting will go. She was more like a friend than a lady in waiting. I appreciated her help and I think she enjoyed having me around.

"Thank you, Amelia, for everything." I said as she walked me out of the room and down to the council chamber. She smiled back at me and replied,

"My pleasure, your highness."

(A Few Hours Later)

The council had gone on for hours about what to do about my sister and her treacherous rule in Wonderland whilst I had been living a normal life.

"She must be stopped immediately. This must end." All I heard around the table was all the lords coming to the same conclusion, "We must prepare for war.!"

Suddenly, Jack stood across from me and spoke with sincerity,

"Then I will lead the army."

"Then I'll go too." This time it was Hatter who'd walked through the door and stepped beside him. I was stunned to see them both side by side. They looked straight at me, looking for my approval and wondering if I'd say something to stop one of them. I sat in silence as thoughts ran through my head. 'What do I do? What would my father want me to do? What was the right thing to do?' I simply replied to everyone,

"Prepare for battle."

All the men bowed as I left the room, Jack remained where he was while Hatter followed me out. He pulled at my arm as I started to cry,

"Alice? What's wrong?" He asked, stopping me.

"Hatter... I'm not ready, I don't think I can do this." He turned me to face him, his hands in mine, eyes locked on mine.

"Listen to me! You escaped The Colony. You saved me from the Jabberwocky. You stood up to your sister and fought off the most skilled knights in Wonderland. You've proven yourself a worthy Queen. You can do this...I know you can because I believe in you." I couldn't keep it in any longer, my heart had melted with his words. We pulled each other closer, and our lips brushed in a gentle kiss. My hand found its way to his face as he kissed me. We slowly pulled away, looking into each other's eyes.

"Your highness." Hatter gave a loud huff as Jack came into view. He stood and watched as Hatter and I slowly parted. I turned as Hatter walked away from me and towards Jack and then passed him.

"What is it, Lord protector?" I ask as he approaches me, he bows and replies with,

"The preparations have been made. However, Marina and her army have been spotted in the outer villages." I take a deep breath not wanting an answer.

"How long till she reaches Bella Lavaria?"

"A full day's ride, My lady." I exhale and take a moment before I answer, suddenly knowing now what I was destined to do. What I had to do.

"Very well, prepare the army...We leave at dawn." 

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