Part 19: The Calm Before The Storm

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 Jack escorted me back to my room in silence. I didn't know what else there was left to say. What more could I say? He opened the door and bowed before he ushered me to enter the room.

"I shall bid you goodnight then your highness. Sleep well." He said, turning away as I stood at the threshold.

"Jack! Wait! Look I know you did what you did to protect me and I do appreciate it, but I still don't understand why?" He turned to face me, his face raising to my level.

"Because your father asked me to, he sent me to your world to find you and bring you home... Marina was obsessed with finding you and my only way to get to you was..."

"To pretend to love her" I finished putting the missing pieces of the story together.

"It was the fastest way of finding you. She already had men in your world looking for you, but I found that If I found you first and told her that I would lure you here and I found that a part of me couldn't let her take you."

"Because you fell in love..." I said realising why he'd stayed all long.

"I never meant to... but it doesn't make going on to the battlefield more bearable knowing that I can't protect you." I reach for his face

"You've done your job. You did what was asked. Now it's my turn to protect the people that my father entrusted me with. I'm ready Jack." He smiled and leaned his head onto my hand before his hand reflected mine, resting his hand on my cheek.

"I know..." He removed his hand slowly, "...And I understand how you feel. "

"I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I do love you..." I tried to explain myself but I had forgotten how much Jack understood me more than I understood myself.

"But you're not in love with me anymore." He replied, I shook my head slowly, thinking he would hate me for it. "It's okay. I made a promise to your father, and I never break my promises. I will protect you until my last breath." I smiled. We had no quarrels anymore. "Sleep well, Your Highness!"

Night had fell upon Wonderland, and I stood on the window balcony. I wanted some time to think. I needed time to think.

"Trouble sleeping?" I smiled as I heard Hatter's voice behind me. I turned facing him,

"Something like that... Hatter about earlier..."

"DON'T!" he interrupted me, "Don't apologise. I'm not sorry I kissed you." I took a step towards him. "Alice, you and I both know that we might not survive tomorrow, but whatever happens I just wanted you to know that..." he stopped and took a sharp breath as he pulled me towards him in one swift movement. Grasping my face with his hand, Hatter kissed me hard. My whole body melted into his arms as our kiss deepened. Hatter's breath sent shivers down my spine. As he slowly pulled away, he looked into my eyes, and as he stepped back, his hand slowly slid down my face. "Your highness." He bowed and started to walk away.

"HATTER!" I cried walking quickly after him, he turned and caught me in his arms as I threw myself into his embrace once again. He held me tightly as I did him. I simply smiled and said, "Stay with me"

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