My Time (Ch-1) 🥀

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''One time for the present,Two times for the past.''

~Jeon Jungkook.

•Author's pov•

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Author's pov•

Busan,South Korea

At Jiyeon's house

Yongsun was standing in the balcony feeling the cold breeze on her face and her hair was also waving with the pace of the night breeze.
All the agony and pain that she witnessed in her loved ones' lives,were roaming inside her mind.

She was at Jiyeon's apartment, it's been two days since Jiyeon was on her bed unconsciously. A big red bruise was clearly shown on the right side of her face along with a scald on her jawline. She also had a deep long cut on her right knee. Maybe she couldn't see her beautiful self in the mirror for a long time.

A medical team that was at her place 24/7,for her treatment. All the nutrients and medicines were given to her via drip and injections. Doctors said that something might have hitted her temple really hard that made her unconscious but there was no chance of coma because she was responding to actions.

Everyone was facing a hard time at the moment,Yongsun was at Y/n's place when she got the news of Jiyeon being extremely injured. She left Seoul for Busan the next second as soon as she was informed. She reached Jiyeon's house and saw her badly injured and unconscious. The irony was nobody knew who was behind this incident.

Yongsun was in her silk polka dots pink nightwear. She turned around to see Jiyeon on her bed, while looking at her from the balcony, she witnessed hints of moving fingers of Jiyeon. She quickly rushed inside and sat on the edge of the bed beside Jiyeon.

''Jiyeon! Hey! Are you well? Can you respond? Can you hear me?'' Yongsun chafed her forehead till cheek. Jiyeon carefully opened her eyes only to see worried Yongsun with her blurred vision.

Yongsun looked at her with hopeful eyes and her face lightened up more when she saw Jiyeon looking at her, she was conscious.

''Omg Jiyeon!'' Yongsun's smile spread till her ears when she put her head on the chest of laying Jiyeon.

Jiyeon was taking stretched breaths, she was weak but for Yongsun, she can do anything. She slowly raised her hand and put on Yongsun's hair and caressed it with all love and care. It's true that true love can fill undefeatable power in you and it could be more deep and bloomy if it's your first childhood love.

Jiyeon's love for Yongsun was beyond friendship although she knew that Yongsun was not a lesbian like her but still she can't stop herself to fall in love with her. One of the reasons for the resentment of Jiyeon towards Jungkook was also Yongsun. She always disliked her being close with him although Jungkook never showed a single trace of love or likeness towards Yongsun.

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