Engagement (Ch-16)

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Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words.


•Y/n's pov•

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•Y/n's pov•

Here I was hung on the puzzle of life & death, and there Jungkook left my cabin while saying something about Sehun, which I couldn't hear properly.

There was a low beep sound echoing in my left ear. The last thing I knew was stuck between an ice brick that was drowning in a pool.

I accepted my death there. I felt death, then why am I still alive here? Why am I here to breathe just to face another misery? Wasn't that torture enough? Or they will again go on to say it was all my delusion? It wasn't. I couldn't prove it last time, but this time I will.

I was prepared for this day, that's why I installed a hidden camera on my desk. This time, I won't let that guy haunt me again; I will catch him.

I was about to go towards my desk when my cabin's gate opened again, with Seji standing there with a horrified expression.

Her expression loosened into softness as concerned lines appeared on her forehead when she asked me. "What happened to you, Mrs. Y/n? Why are you damped?"

Sliding off my legs from the couch, I touched my neck, face, and then hair. They were damp; it shouldn't give any normal human joy, but I was hopeful to know I was wet; that could be the first proof of my abnormal kidnapping.

"Mrs. Y/n," Seji was still wearing her concerned expression while being stupified. That's when I noticed I was smiling like a creep to myself.

For a minute, I felt a craziness inside me I wanted to laugh, I wanted to clap, I wanted to tear my clothes and run in the wing of my office. 

That all was new but relaxing. I was in my zone, and I didn't want any interruptions, so I just told her to go, but what she told me snatched me out of all that craziness.

"Mrs. Y/n, Sehun is kidnapped. Someone broke into your house. They are finding him. The police want to talk with you." Seji didn't wait for my reply. She just left.

I ran behind her. After running for a while, I stopped and realized I couldn't even walk as my head was spinning. My child was missing; who the hell broke into my house, I should have been worried, but here I was, sitting outside of someone's cabin on the ground, holding my head.

After a while, a man came out of his cabin in black formal shoes and grey pants. He quickly crouched down to my level to hold me by my shoulders.

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