Back To Seoul (Ch-2)

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''Now you are stuck in my Limbo.''

~Jeon Jungkook

~Jeon Jungkook

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•At Taehyung's house•

Y/n's pov

Dear diary,

The word Love was never less in my life,As an only child of my parents our whole family loved and pampered me alot. I was born in a rich,modern,radical Korean family. My parents were always protective towards me. They used to cancel their work schedule just to take care of me whenever I got ill or to attend my school plays. My father always likes to create sweet memories so that I can remember when I become a mother. I miss them today,,,, alot! I know if they were here with me,they would've never let me fall apart. I also wanted my child to feel the warmth of parents, how it feels like to sleep with parents after a horror movie night,walking in the garden holding your parents hands, that dessert outing after every dinner. Whenever I look at Sehun I cry because I am falling day by day.Taehyung is not here and his real father is not aware of reality....

But As a mother I have to live and face this sorrow.I have headache,eyes are sore,body is weak and my heart is filled with grief but still I have to leave because my life is still worthy of living. It's been a day without him,the whole night spent in my eyes. It feels like a burden but I have a child who needs me more than anything. I will not fall apart ,not gonna faint after missing Taehyung and continue whatever he left here.

~Kim Y/n.

I knotted a bow of the ribbon of my diary after closing it. It's dawn and a new morning but without him.

This room is filled with his smell.I looked at the photo frame of us that was glowing under the light of the desk lamp. I picked it and again my eyes filled with tears as I caressed the glass of the frame. Then my eyes shifted to my bed where Seji and Sehun were sleeping.

I covered them both with the blanket till their shoulders and pecked Sehun's cheek.

My beautiful angel..

It was the start of winter because I could feel the cold dryness in the air. I wore Taehyung's hoodie and made my way to the kitchen to cook something Nutritious for myself.

Yesterday Sehun already saw my dumped self. I don't want him to see his mother crying day and night. There are alot of things that now are my responsibility after Taehyung. The whole company is abandoned after him so I need to take care of it. It will also help me to get over this trauma plus I don't want my husband's hard work to be washed away.

When I was thinking about the business a name popped in my mind.

It's Jungkook!

As he is back but couldn't remember anything but still he has the first right on his company after all he was the one who laid the foundation of that company but Mr. Seokjin said to not revise anything old. I guess I need to talk with some officials now.

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