Prey (Ch-9)

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''Don't  think it's surprising,
both you and I exist as freaks
Don't fool yourself into
thinking you're an exception
Don't fool yourself anymore, psycho.''

~Jeon Jungkook

~Jeon Jungkook

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Y/n's pov•

''Mommy!'' Nine at night, I arrived at my house completely exhausted.

But the moment I saw Sehun coming towards me smiling ear to ear,his small front tooth peeking from between his lips.

My adorable baby!

Calling me out loudly he hugged my legs and I quickly picked him up to embrace him.

''How was your day Mrs. Kim?'' Taking my purse from my grip Seji asked being curious and concerned at the same time.

''Stress full! But I faced it all. Thank you Seji!'' Taking her hand in my palms I thanked her for giving me the confidence and energy I needed for today's event.

If it wouldn't be her I would've stayed here at my room scared and depressed after that horrindious incident.

I don't know if it was real or just dream because if it was real I should had wounds on my back but I only had a cut on my head that was not really deep.

Maybe they all are right.....It was my delusion out of the trauma I am facing right now I had that delusion before,after Jungkook's death when I saw him in the NGO's bathroom but in reality no one was there.

But Jungkook is alive so does that mean I actually saw him there?

''You don't need to thank me Mrs. Kim. It was a mere help, you did a lot for me when I needed the support Please don't thank me. By the way please freshen up yourself,dinner is ready.''

''Ohh,I am really sorry Seji I should've called you but I totally forgot. Actually I had dinner at office.''

''Bawt mommie we waited fawr you!(but mommy we waited for you.)'' Sehun pouted.

''I am sorry my baby! But don't worry mommy will feed you.'' Kissing on his cheek I tried to convince him.

''No it's okay Mrs. Kim We'll eat together. You should go and rest also you have a guest in your room.'' Taking Sehun from me Seji gave me the news of surprise guest.

''A guest? Who?'' Kneeting my brow being confused I asked.

''Auntiew Yoo-Yoo!'' Auntie Yoo-Yoo is Yongsun.

Hearing her visit here my heart felt so light and flatter. My best friend is here.

''Really!'' Widning my eyes out of joy I double checked my doubt.

''Yes Mrs. Kim but she is sleeping now. She came after you leave. She played with Sehun all day she even took us out for breakfast and bought a lot of toys and snacks for him she was waiting for you to come but I told her to sleep,she seemed exhausted.''

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