Hate You (Ch-15)

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"It's not the truth,
It's not the cure,
but Hating you
is the only
way it doesn't

~Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook's pov

"Am I speaking with Mr. Jeon?" I was absorbed in the company's official client details list when my co-assistant Nari told me she got a call for me from the hospital, I told her to transfer the call to my cabin's landline.

A lady was speaking from the other side of the call in her calmest voice but still, she couldn't hide the tense in it. It was obvious the call wasn't from any cooperative company or professional call. Even though she sounds smooth but doesn't have the metal of fake joyness in her voice.

"Yes! Who is this?" I asked.

"I'm Sora, I'm calling you to inform you about your patient Kim Yongsun. She is dead actually. Please reach City Hospital to receive her body. .. Beep. " She hung up the call before even I could process anything.

My brows frowned as I stared at the receiver, what just happened?

Without giving a second thought to the logic of that call I dialled Y/n's apartment's landline.

She has a habit of putting her phone on silent and after becoming the CEO she couldn't afford to miss the calls from her workplace, so she bought the landline.

It kept ringing but no one was picking up, I cut the call and gave the ring to Yongsun's cell but it also went to voice mail.

Worry felt in my mind when I put my phone down. It wasn't like I loved her or something it was just I didn't want anyone to hurt for no good reason.

I was worried for her but I was more worried about Sehun because he was with her. I don't love them both, I do take revenge on Sehun but still, I was worried.

Y/n had a meeting at 11 so without disturbing her I directly called City Hospital via my cell.

They told me they do have a patient named Kim Yongsun in their hospital, she was in the ICU due to a serious injury behind her head.

I was about to leave my cabin when Gyeom entered the cabin along with two officers behind.

I glanced at the officers then shot up my brows at Gyeom that's when he told me the bad news of the morning.

"Someone broke into Ms Y/n's apartment, Yongsun is in the hospital." He said in his gloomy voice.

"And Sehun?" I asked instantly.

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