Deads Don't Deceive (Ch-13)

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''Chasing after you is like a fairy-tale,
But I feel like I'm glued tight to
This Carousel.''

~Jeon Jungkook.

•Jungkook's pov•

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Jungkook's pov

Old memories,

When we stepped inside the autopsy room something inside me became anxious about the thought of what I was going to perceive in a few minutes.

It was the same autopsy place where we planted our plan to show my corpse to Taehyung,the only difference was he saw me in the drawer of mortuary house and we'll got the explanation in autopsy.

Gyeom and I were covered in masks and hand gloves they even gave us the plastic head covers.

I nodded at the Doctor as he bowed his head in greeting,my eyes shifted to the side of the Doctor where his dead body was laying on a marble surface.

It was not easy to convince Y/n to reopen his grave for the second autopsy. I adjured her for it but at the end she agreed for the sake of his husband.

Justice needs to be served.

My steps stiffened at the sight,his torso was covered in white sheet and he definitely smells like death.

It's not like I got scared by things easily I was tough enough to endure everything but seeing him like that somehow made me feel pity for him.

I tried to muster up my real feelings for him but it seemed like a fail event.

I couldn't! But that doesn't mean I'll let my feelings fool myself.

Gyeom stood beside of the Doctor and I stood across them, I put my two fingers on the crouch of his neck to check his pulse but his pale body had none but I'll keep it till the end of this meet.

''So Dr, what's new we got?'' I cooed.

''Well you are here because the thing I wanna explain to you can't be happened on phone. You knew that he got shot from behind,a bullet entered from neck and went out from his throat, don't you think it's strange? I don't know who performed his surgery or autopsy last time because it's not making any sense to me.'' The doctor drew out the two files from a cabinet and held it in the middle of the air.''These files are filled with lies Mr. Jeon,Taehyung didn't died because of the bullets he died out of suffocation,out of oxygen. Ventilator machines are meant to move air in and out of your lungs when you can't bellow on your own,The respiratory therapist and doctor set the ventilator to control how often it pushes air into your lungs and how much air you get. Something definitely happened that day his lungs looked like someone squeezed them to the size of a tiny ball.'' Whatever Dr. Was saying was penetrating inside my brain somehow I can imagine everything in my mind,what and how it happened the only thing I can't imagine was the image of the culprit.

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