You, The Culprit (Ch-18)

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I'm fu©ked up,
I'm black and blue.
I'm built for it, all the abuse
I got secrets, That nobody, nobody, nobody knows.

Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

I was sitting on the couch of the extravagant boutique, helping my best friend select the gown that she would be wearing at her engagement party. Her fiance was none other than Jeon Jungkook, the father of my child and my ex-husband.

I love how great it sounds.

I swear to god that I don't give a or two f@cks about any of this but I was concerned about my friend. I warned her and stopped her from going to hell but bound to love person could not be cured.

Her pair with him wasn't admiring at all. Together they both looked like those cousins who were forced to click a picture together. Those couples in forced marriages? yes, exactly! They are the reality of them.

Even though Yongsun says she loves him, but ever since Jungkook proposed to her she didn't seem as bright and joyful as I thought she would be. She was smiling but from knowing her since the age of five that's not the way she celebrates her joy.

I remember the day when she graduated and got her job in Singapore. She nailed the club that day although in the aftermath she listened to an hour lecture from her mother because b! tch spent more than 2 million wons in one club night.


As I said I am not jealous of her. There is a difference between being jealous and being concerned. Concerned people warn their loved ones about every consequence and jealous people avoid everything plus they ruin the mood.

"How's this looking on me?" Yongsun didn't need to know that royal blue colour wasn't her colour. That colour never enhanced her beauty but I still nodded my head in approval.

I hate myself.

"You sure this looks good on me? I think I should try this pattern and design in another colour." She said moving her palms from her breasts to her waist.

"I don't know then. Go believe yourself. " I said with a weird tone and face.

She looked at me via the mirror she was standing ahead of. She saw the big scowl on my face. I didn't try to hide it I wasn't hiding my emotions anymore.

"Y/n, please. I don't want to lose you. We both already lose a lot and I don't want our relationship to end because of a boy." Her words penetrated my heart. It wasn't like I didn't want to be happy, it was just my surroundings were not making me feel anything other than rage and jealousy.

She came to me and crouched down to my level still wearing that Bodycon royal blue gown. We looked at each other and she held my hands in hers and said. "I know everything you are going through. I know Y/n that there is someone who is behind you and Sehun. Who wants to hurt you both." Tears filled my eyes when I saw that same trust and faith in her eyes for me which had been unseen for quite a long.

"I told them Yongsun, but none of them believed me. That person is killing me Yongsun." I wailed in her arms. I couldn't believe that finally, someone was there to believe in me. There was someone who didn't think I was delusional or psycho.

She caressed my head and I was just melting in her arms. "Y/n you have to gather up yourself. It's about Sehun. I've brought you here with a purpose, I can't trust our surroundings anymore. Y/n I think I know who is behind all this." she said while wiping tears from my cheeks.

"Say Yongsun."

"Do you know what happened two days ago at your home with me?" I shook my head.

"It was not a robbery or an attempt of murder. It was just to hurt me. That attack was not for you but intentionally for me because god knows how I am an interruption in their plan."

"What does that mean Yongsun?" I said.

"I don't know. But I hurt him badly on his wrist, it's definitely going to leave a long scratch and I'm pretty sure that he is definitely going to attend the engagement party. Where I will identify the culprit." She has that confidence in her voice which made me believe in myself after a long time.

"I also need to ask you this, do you still love Jungkook?" the diplomatic echo surrounding me told me to say Yes. but I couldn't suppress the fact that he killed three people who meant the world to me.

Plus my circumstances were not the way I wanted them. Making love or being in a relationship with someone, especially Jungkook, is the last thing on my list.

"He is all yours Yongsun. I'll pray he treats you right, As his wife." I could feel the more curse coming my way and I didn't want her to be part of my curse.

She deserves happiness, she will have it.

"Y/n you know I am always here for you. Leave everything here and come with me. We'll leave Seoul, we'll leave this country, this continent. We both can move to Italy and live our lives the way we want. Sehun will be happy and safe there. Don't fight with anyone here, just leave. I am ready to do it if you want." her grip on my palms tightened more. I know she was ready to do it all for me but-

"Past never leaves you. No matter where you go, what you do and what you become. It will follow you for eternity until you won't face it and keep it in its right place. I can't run away from it, I tried Yongsun but look what it did to me. It takes Taehyung and a man who had nothing to do with any of my shit. This time it's on my son and I swear I'll skin the person alive if any of the threat takes its turn towards him." Tears filled in her eyes. Her palms slide down more towards my wrists.

She paused when something like a clot touched her fingertips. Our eyes fall on my wrists and we find a new scrab on my left wrist. Just like someone scratched my left wrist badly. A long nail dug into my wrist and left a mark.

Just like Yongsun explained, the long, deep scratch was designed by her on the culprit's arm.

To be continued....

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