The Real Psycho (Ch-20)

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Y/n's pov•

"Hey Y/n! Enjoying the party?" A silver voice with tons of sarcasm in his vocal said something to me which I could not hear because of loud music.

"I am sorry?" I replied to Seokjin who was standing beside me holding the drink of the event, Lime Rockey.

"I said are you enjoying the party?" He repeated, getting near to my ear.

"Ofcourse, why not. " I replied to him but my eyes were fixed on the stage, on that performer.

He has the sexiest waist like no other girl could ever have. He was performing like he was born to slay on the stage. The stage was far and the lights were quite dim. His face was shining under the hues of light. This scene was breathtaking, he was a gorgeous man with a nymph body.

"By the way, did you find who is behind all of this mess?" Seokjin was pouring different vibe today. Usually he didn't seemed to involve in functions or events but he seemed a lot involved in the Jeon's party.

He had this newly cunning smirk on his mug. I once thought he likes Yongsun but no. I was wrong. By the way he looks ugly tonight.

"What mess you are talking about?" I asked with a heavy scowl on my face.

"You know the mess. In the office, at your apartment, in our surroundings, in our friends lives. In your life." He stretched his last sentence, still wearing that gratifying experision that started annoying me.

"How do you know about it?"

"Isn't it visible like crystal? How f@cked up everything is. And let me tell you something, tonight will be the end of that. Everything will be fine soon after tonight." He sounded utterly confidence. Seokjin was in my doubt list since the day one.

Ever since he made his entry in our lives everything dislodged and broke into pieces. His surroundings are always mysterious and dark.

I wanted to ask him what he meant by all that he just said to me but before I could speak he left.

My focus again fixed on the stage. I could not stop myself from thinking about this gorgeous male dancer. His glowing face, sharp moves, slim body and charm that was as strong as a magnet.

The performance ended and again the entire ballroom lightened up brighter then the moon. Someone tapped on my shoulder from behind. I turned around and found a waiter who was smiling nervously at me.

His smile disappeared when I turned towards him and raised my brow in question.

Why he became pale all of sudden?

After a good second I realised I was glaring at him. I loosened myself a bit and asked the nervous waiter. "Do you want to say something?" In the most humble way.

"Actually maam, Miss Seji is calling you outside in the garden. Your son is throwing tantrums...... She needs your help." He walked away with long and fast steps.

He seemed a bit awkward but mention of my son made me worried. I left the venue from sideways of the guests.

There was a chaos of laughter when I reached the garden.

A man was playing fetch ball with his dog under the bollared light, at the end of the garden.

I took a glance at them and then started to look for Seji and Sehun but both of them were no where.

I called their names but the barking sound of the dog was quite loud. It was covering my voice.

I sighed and thought to approach The guy with the dog to ask if he saw a girl with a child.

As I was getting close to this person I started noticing his attire and hairstyle.

He was blonde man with long hair,  wearing off-white polo shirt. And then...

And then my gaze shifted towards his dog.


No! No!

Discontinued here for the wattpad

When I was writing For the update of hsbph-3, for this chapter. I realized that wattpad will going to delete my account if I updated this chapter as it has a disturbing scene (which I did not mentioned here) And I also told you guys before that I am working on my website where I will post stories to along with blogs. So I decided that I am not going to give any update here anymore. Sadist and Her sweet but psycho husband part-3 will be available on in a pdf forms. I don't want my books and hardwork of three years on This account to be gone. I hope you understand and I promise the complete story of her sweet but psycho husband-3 will be there real soon.

Don't be upset because I m not abondening this story. I m not going to update here anymore. I already announced this on my kb but god forbid you guys never read my announcements. I will notify you Whenever I will be done with the story. Till then stay in connection and touch. Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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