Chapter 6

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As Lani was sitting on the couch, she was texting her mom, Kaia.

Mom: I heard what happened. Are you okay?

Lani: I don't really feel like talking about it.

Mom: Who does? Family dinner tonight at 5.

Lani: Not really in the mood.

Mom: That was an order, Lieutenant. I will see you at 5. Love you!

Lani sighed with a small smile on her lips, she loved her mom. She replied back with 'ai ai Captain. Love you too.' She put her phone down and decided to put on something comfier to go home in, she decided on a pair of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. "Where are you heading off to?" Silver asked as he watched her pick up her keys. "I have been ordered to a family dinner by the Captain and Admiral," she replied. "Well, good luck. Chances are they are going to talk about what happened," he said with a salute before Lani headed out the door. She made her way to the parking lot, "oh, I missed driving you," she said as she got on her bike and started it up.

When she got to her parent's house, she immediately walked in. Her mom poked her head out from around the corner of the kitchen to see her daughter. "You're here!" Kaia said happily as she came around and pulled her daughter into a hug, which Lani gladly returned. "Well, I didn't really have a choice," Lani replied with a laugh. "No one does with this one. They should have made her the admiral," Tom said as he came out from the living room. "Hey, dad," she said as they hugged. "Hi, Jellybean," he replied. Just as they let go, Maverick came out from behind Iceman. "Uncle P?" Lani questioned. "Hey, kid, how you feeling?" He asked with a small smile. Lani shrugged, "not too sure yet, to be honest." He nodded and Tom ushered them to the living room, where they all sat, except Kaia who went back to the kitchen to cook.

"So, let's get the lecture over with," Lani said as she sat down across from Maverick and Iceman, who looked at each other before looking back at her. "We can't start just yet..." Maverick said and just as Lani was about to question it the doorbell rang. "Oh, I got it," she said as she got up and went to the door. Iceman leaned over and whispered to Maverick, "she is going to kill us later, you know." Maverick whispered back, "of course she is, she is too much like her mother. I already planned an escape route." When Lani opened the door, she was met with the sight of the Bradshaw family. Carol practically barged through the door but not before giving Lani a bug hug. Goose followed in, "Jellybean! It's been too long, you've gotten big!" Lani stood there in shock before giving them hugs, "uncle Goose?!" As they came in, she was met with the last Bradshaw, Bradley, who looked like he got dragged here against his will. They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment before he walked in. Lani looked at the floor in confusion before connecting the dots. They all planned this.

Lani crossed her arms as she looked at all of them, everyone was greeting each other. She sighed and just as she was about to walk toward them the doorbell rang again. She looked back at the door and opened it to see Blaze and Lisa who she greeted happily before letting them in. Soon everyone was talking and laughing like this was all planned ahead. Lani walked over to her mom, "not saying I ain't happy to see everyone but I thought this was a daily dinner?" Kaia nodded, "it is." Her daughter raised her eyebrows, "this is a family gathering." Her mom only chuckled before skipping off to get a bottle of wine.

Throughout the night Bradley and Lani avoided each other as much as possible. Lisa, Carol, and Kaia were in the kitchen talking about laughing, no one knew how much wine they already had. While Goose, Blaze, Maverick, and Iceman were all around the pool table with a couple of beers, huddled around like gossip girls. "It's not working," Goose whispered. "No shit, Sherlock, it's been like an hour," Ian replied. The four boys looked back at Rooster and Winter who were sitting apart watching TV, not saying a single word to one another. "They just need a little push..." Maverick said as they all started to think. "Winter, Rooster, how about a game of pool?" Iceman called out to them. They both shrugged and made their way over to them. "Are we making teams?" Bradley asked. "3v3. This is a pretty even playing field. I take my dad and Maverick," Lani said as she grabbed a pool stick. "You're on," Bradley replied. The four friends gave each other concerned looks before all grabbing their pool sticks.

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