Chapter 11

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Maverick gave Winter the load down of the plan. The next morning, Lani went to go see Silver before she was getting discharged from the hospital.

"You know, I could probably drag your ass up that latter," Lani said as she entered the room, catching her RIO's attention. He gave her a smile, "you would drop me at the first step." Lani gasped sarcastically, "me? I would never." They both laughed as she took a seat beside him, "I really wish you were coming with me."

"I wish I was too. So, what kind of felony will you be committing with your uncle?" Xavier asked. "How did you know it was illegal?" Xavier laughed, "please, it's Maverick we are talking about." She shrugged, "you got me there, but if I tell you that makes you an accomplice."

"You guys are going to steal a jet, aren't you?" He asked plainly. "More like two jets," she added. "May God help the Navy," Silver sighed sarcastically. "I have to go," Lani said. Silver nodded, "going get out of here. You got a crime to commit. Be safe and have fun; not too much fun without e though." Winter smiled and headed for the door, "I could never have too much fun without you. I will see you later; rest up!"

Soon after she was discharged, Maverick was already there to pick her up. They got in the car and headed for the base. "You know, there is a chance we will be dishonorably discharged for this. There is still time to back out?" Maverick informed. "No way, I'm not backing out of this one. It is my job to take orders, but I will not take orders I don't aren't right," Lani said. Maverick smirked, "just like your parents." Winter smiled back, "I learned from the best. That means you as well."

"That's probably why the Navy dislikes us so much," Maverick said. "But we are too good to get rid of," Lani added.

By the time they got to the base and in their flight gear, the class was just starting their morning briefings. They were probably getting informed of Cyclone being their new instructor and the status of Winter and Silver.

Maverick and Winter were on the tarmac. "You can't fly your normal jet, since it's a two-seater. You will have to take a solo jet," Maverick informed. Lani nodded and took a deep breath. "Hey, you can still back out if you aren't ready. There is no pressure on this, kid," Pete reassured her. Winter shook her head, "no, I'm good. I have to do this." He nodded before pulling her into a much-needed hug, "you're strong, Winter. Don't forget that. You got this." She nodded, "I got this." Without any further hesitation, they climbed into their jets, preparing for an unauthorized take-off.

Meanwhile, the rest of the aviators were in class, being informed of the new mission parameters. As Cyclone was giving his explanation, the monitor began to beep, signaling that an aircraft was about to fly the mission parameters. Everyone sat up in their seats, watching the screen. "Who the hell is that?" Cyclone asked as he looked at the screen, seeing two aircrafts flying. "Maverick to Range Control. Entering Point Alpha," Maverick said over the comms. "Winter to Range Control. Entering Point Alpha," Winter repeated. "Confirm green range," Maverick added. "Uh, Maverick, and Winter, Range Control, uh, green range is confirmed. I don't see an event scheduled for either of you, sir," the voice said. "Well, we are going anyway," Winter said. Hangman and Rooster shared a look of confusion before turning back to the screen. While Pheonix whispered to herself, "nice."

"Setting time to target. Two minutes 15 seconds," Maverick informed. "Roger that Mav," Winter said. "Final attack point. Maverick's inbound," Pete said before taking off into the course. "Winter's inbound. Let's turn and burn!" She said as she takes off, following Maverick closely behind, as his wingman. When the clock started, everyone sat silently, intently watching the two pilots on the screen. "How are you doing back there, Winter?" Maverick asked. "So far so good, I am right behind you, Mav," she replied with heavy breathing. She was doing her best to focus on the course instead of thinking about anything else. It wasn't too hard to keep distracted as she maneuvered through all the sharp turns. Meanwhile, as the clock was ticking, everyone sat eagerly in their seats. "We are close to the target, 40 seconds," Winter informed Maverick. "Roger that, about to climb," Mav responded. As they neared the first peak of the mountain, they both took a deep breath. "Popping in three, two, one," Maverick said before pulling up and flying inverted over the mountain. Lani matched his maneuver as she followed behind. Maverick was going to let Winter hit the target. Winter focused her missile, before pulling the trigger and pulling up, "bombs away!" They were both taking deep breaths, trying to keep from passing out as they climb the steep mountain. Winter was checking the monitor, waiting for a hit. Not long after the missile hit its target perfectly. "Bull's-eye! Holy shit!" Bob said as everyone cheered. While Rooster finally let out a breath, he didn't know he was holding. "Damn," Hangman said as he nodded.

Both Winter and Maverick pulled off their masks once they leveled out their planes. "You all right, kid?" Maverick asked. "Yeah, yeah. I'm okay," Winter said out of breath. "Good job, Lani. You did it," he added. "We did it, uncle P," she said as they returned to the tarmac.


Maverick and Winter were both standing straight, in the Admiral's office, with Warlock beside them. "You have put me in a difficult position, the both of you," Cyclone started. "On one hand, you have demonstrated that this mission can be flown. Perhaps the only way it can be survived. On the other hand, you both did it by stealing a multimillion-dollar military aircraft and flying it in such a manner that it may never be airworthy again," he continued. Maverick and Winter shared a glance before looking back towards Cyclone. "Iceman may be your father, Lieutenant Kazansky, and your friend Captain Mitchell. But I have everything I need to have you both court-martialed and dishonorably discharged. For not only disobeying orders on multiple occasions but for stealing military aircraft," Cyclone said. Lani bit the inside of her cheek as Maverick clenched his jaw, they both knew the risks that they were taking. "So, what do I do? Captain? Lieutenant?" He asked as he looked between the two. "Do I risk the lives of my pilots and perhaps the success of this mission or... risk my career by allowing Captain Mitchell to train the students for the remainder of the time. And appointing Lieutenant Kazansky as team leader?" He asked. Lani looked at Maverick and Cyclone in shock. "Sir-" They both said in unison. "I think the admiral's asking a rhetorical question," Warlock said before they could say anything further. They both nodded, Maverick couldn't help the smile that came to his lips; he was proud of his niece. "That is all. You are dismissed," Cyclone told them.

They both hurried out before Winter hugged Maverick. "Congratulations!" He said happily. "Oh, my goodness! I can't believe it! I thought we were goners for sure!" Lani exclaimed. "You deserve this, you're one of the best pilots I have ever seen, don't tell Rooster I said that" Maverick said as they both began to walk down the hall. "I couldn't have done it without you, uncle P," she said as they hugged once again. "We should go to the Hard Deck to celebrate," he added. Rooster walked up to them, "celebrate what?" Lani couldn't help but smile, "you are looking at your mission leader, Bradshaw." Rooster smiled and pulled her into a hug, "congrats!" Winter laughed as he picked her up and spun her around. "This might be a dumb question, seeing what just happened, but how are you feeling?" Bradley asked. Lani shrugged, "lightheaded. I thought I was going to puke in the Admiral's office, that's for sure." Maverick and Rooster shook their heads. "Come on, we best let your parents know before someone else tells them the news," Maverick said as the three of them headed out to the Kazansky house before heading to the Hard Deck.



Hey guys! Just wanted to get this chapter out for you guys because I don't think I will have time to write this weekend.

Anywho! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's short.

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