Chapter 7

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The next morning everyone woke up to a text from their Captain with orders to meet down at the Hard Deck in beach gear. Xavier looked at Lani confused while she shrugged her shoulders. Maverick didn't say anything about going to the beach last night. Everyone got ready and met down at the bar, waiting for Maverick.

"Did he mention anything about this to you?" Rooster asked. Lani shook her head, "nope, although knowing Mav, we could be in for a treat." Rooster and Winter were on better terms after last night. Lani was one to hold grudges, so Rooster wasn't entirely in the clear, but she was willing to try and put the past behind her. Not long after Pete Mitchell showed up and ushered everyone outside to the beach.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are all probably wondering why you are here instead of on the tarmac flying your jets. Well, after the last few training sequences we've had; I think it's time for a little break," Maverick said as he held up two footballs. Once Lani and Maverick saw the footballs they smiled, this wasn't the first time they'd played this game, this was a family favorite growing up. "Today, we are going to play dogfight football. There will be two teams, and we will be running offense and defense at the same time. Aviators, pick your teams," their Captain said with a smile. And with that everyone began evenly splitting up into two teams. Hangman and Rooster were team captains, for the first round, Lani decided to team up with Rooster, mostly because she wanted the chance to body slam Hangman. Silver and Maverick also joined Rooster's team and soon the game began of dogfight football.

Everyone was having the time of their lives, and no one was even keeping score anymore, they were just having too much fun. Lani was watching who was going to catch the ball of the opposite team, fortunately for her, Hangman caught it. Without a second to waste Lani body slammed Jake to the ground. Winter landed on top of him before rolling off of him to the side. Jake groaned as he sat up, "alright, I deserved that one." She rolled her eyes, "you think, Trashman?" Jake got up with a smile and held out his hand for her to take which she did, and he pulled her up. "Truce?" He asked. Lani thought about it for a second before nodding, "truce, Trashman." He laughed and patted her shoulder, meanwhile Rooster watched the whole interaction and couldn't help but feel a little jealous. "Jelly, Bradshaw?" Silver asked from beside him. "What? No. We are just friends," he responded. "Oh, I didn't know you had a thing for Bagman," Xavier added while holding in a laugh. Rooster looked at him and before they knew it Rooster was chasing Silver. Not long after Bradley tackled X into the sand, Maverick stood next to his niece as they watched the two. "Hey, boys that's cute and all but can we get back to the game?" Winter yelled out to the while Maverick laughed.

Once they got back to the game, Maverick retired himself and everyone was trying to call for him to come back but he waved them off with a smile. "Lani heads up!" Rooster called as he threw her the ball. Winter jumped and caught the ball before throwing it to Xavier who tossed it to Payback, who scored their touchdown. The team cheered and shouted, while Payback and Rooster ran towards each other and chest bumped, once they stepped back from each other, Rooster did a little dance that caught Lani's eye. She stared for a little too long and sure enough, X popped up beside her, "you're drooling." Lani quickly snapped out of it and wiped her mouth, which was dry. She turned towards X and smacked his shoulder, "jerk!" Silver laughed and put his hands up, "hey, you were the one staring."

"I was not!" She defended. "You were too, Winter," Jake said from behind. "I will strangle you both!" Xavier smiled and held in a laugh, "oooh, kinky."

"That's it, come here so I can kill you!" She yelled as she started chasing her RIO who quickly took off running. Once she caught up to him, she shoved his face in the sand, "eat sand, you turd!" Soon after, Winter felt arms wrap around her waist and pull her off of Silver. She wiggled around a bit and kicked her feet. "Will you stop moving," Rooster said as he put her down. She turned around and looked up at him before looking at her RIO whose face was full of sand. "Now, why would you do that? A few more seconds and he might have suffocated," she said casually. "Oh, yeah, and then you would end up in jail for murder," Rooster replied. Xavier put his hand on his chest and sarcastically gasped, "after everything I've done for you." The three busted into laughter as Lani helped him off the sand. "Although, I am honored you would go to jail for me," he added. "Never mind, I will let you live," Lani answered with a laugh.

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