Chapter 12

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The team met up at the Hard Deck. Lani was playing pool with Pheonix while enjoying a margarita as everyone began to show up. "Ya know, it has only been a couple of days, but I got to say, Winter. It's good to have you back," Phoenix said as she lifted her beer bottle before taking a swig. "Why thanks Phe. To be honest, I wasn't sure about coming back but ya know, Mav talking me into stealing a jet was enough," Lani joked. "You should have seen the look on Cyclone's face," Phoenix responded. Rooster stood next to Winter as the conversation went on about today's events. "Are you going to tell them?" He whispered to her. "I don't know, although I would love to see the look on Hangman's face. We shall see how tonight goes," Lani said in response. "Speaking of which. Where is Hangman?" Rooster asked as he looked around. "Did you miss me, Bradshaw?" Jake asked sarcastically as he came into view with a snarky smirk. "No, I was just thinking how peaceful it was without you" Bradley replied. "Alright, boys let's not start," Winter said as she finished her drink.

As the night continued, it mostly consisted of drinking, laughing, and pool. Until the song, "Footloose" began to play. Rooster held out his hand to Winter, "care to dance?" Lani raised an eyebrow and then smiled as she took his hand, and he led her to the middle of the bar. They began to dance as people moved out of the way, in the form of a circle, watching the two dance. Lani couldn't stop smiling as she and Rooster danced to the fast pace of the song, not long after, other people began to join in, including Bob, Pheonix, Hangman, Payback, and Coyote. Soon the whole bar was dancing and twirling. As Bradley danced with his childhood best friend, he couldn't help but smile every time he heard her laugh. For a brief moment, it felt like they were the only two in the room, and it felt like old times, like when they were kids.

As the end of the song approached, Lani spun into his arms, Bradley then dipped her back and before either of them knew it, Rooster had leaned down and kissed her. Rooster slowly pulled away as he brought her back up. Winter was in complete shock and so was Bradley. They stared at each other for a good minute as everyone around them was cheering and laughing from the dance, completely unaware of what happened between the two. "I- Uhm, sorry-" but before Rooster could finish, Winter pulled him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. But not long after she shoved him away and quickly disappeared into the crowd, leaving a very confused and flustered Bradshaw standing there.

Lani quickly made her way through the crowd, squeezing past everyone to make it to the pool table, finding Jake leaning against the pool table and talking with Coyote. "Seresin!" Lani almost yelled making Hangman jump a bit. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it," Jake said as he watched the short blonde march her way toward him. "We are leaving, and we are leaving now!" She said as she grabbed his hand and began to pull him. "Wait what? Shouldn't you be leaving with-" but Lani cut him off before he could finish. She grabbed him by the sides of the collar of his shirt and yanked him down to her level, "look here Trashman. You are my friend and the more sober one. Therefore, you are driving because I left my bike at the base and drove with a certain Bradshaw. So now get your ass in the car and drive, that is a direct order from your team leader!" Jake raised his hands in surrender as she let go of him. They made their way to the parking lot and got in his truck before beginning to drive.

They drove in silence for a good ten minutes before Hangman slammed on the brakes and pulled over, finally realizing, "wait, did you say you were the mission leader?" Lani looked at him, "I didn't say to stop driving." Jake crossed his arms, "this is my car, and you stole a jet, so how are you, mission leader?"

"We are going to do this right now?"

"Absolutely, we will sit here all night if we have-"

"I kissed Bradley!" Lani said a bit too loudly. Hangman paused and had a mortified look on his face, "ok, first off ew! Secondly, what the fuck? You kissed Bradshaw?"
"Technically, he kissed me first, then I kissed him-"

"Whoah, whoah! I'm going to stop you right there. Start from the beginning. Meaning, after you landed your jet," Hangman said. Lani sighed and began to explain everything. By the time she finished, they found themselves at a diner drinking milkshakes. "So, your saying Bradshaw kissed you, then you kissed him, ran away, and drove off with me?" Jake said as he tried to comprehend the whole situation. "Yes," Lani said as she looked at him. He looked at her with a look of disbelief. "Oh, oh this is bad, huh?" She said as she covered her mouth. "Uh, you think? Do you realize what that man is probably thinking right now?" Hangman said. "Oh no, no, no," Winter mumbled as she covered her face with her hands. "What do I do?" she asks as he looks at her like she is crazy. "Why are you asking me that? I don't know," he said. "What do you mean, you don't know? You're a guy. Help me out here."

"Oh, no. I am not getting in the middle of this," he said as he shook his head. "What? Come on! If roles were reversed, I would help you," Lani argued. "No, no, rolls would never be reversed because I would never kiss someone then proceed to run away with the person they hate most," Hangman explained. "Well, when you put it like that," she sighed and crossed her arms. "Congratulations on mission leader though," he added. Lani threw a french fry at him, "don't change the subject. But thank you, I thought you would be madder about it."

"Honestly, with all the information I just received in the last forty-five minutes... I don't have it in me," he said as she threw another fry at him. "I'm serious though! What do I do about Rooster?"

"Sleep with him," Jake said casually. Lani looked at him in disbelief, "Seresin!"

"What? He likes you; you like him. The whole team knows it, so just get it over with already."

"That's not the advice I was looking for, Trashman. And we don't like each other..."

"Oh no, you aren't going to do the whole denial thing. Everyone knows it, except you two."



Lani sighed, "what if he doesn't even like me back?"

"Please, he follows you around like a lost puppy. He is in love with you. He might not know it but he is."

"Great, now I am even more lost than before," she said as she covered her face with her hands. "Well, you shouldn't be because you love him too. Seriously are you both blind?" Jake stated. "You are a horrible person to seek advice from. Do you know that?" She said with a sigh. Jake smiled, "I know. Now come on, we need to get back to the base, it's getting late." And with that, they both got up from the booth and made their way to his car.

"Dude, Bradshaw is going to be so pissed," Jake said as he held in his laugh. "Oh, shut up! You are no help, Seresin!" Winter said as she nudged him on the shoulder. They both began to laugh and made their way back to the base.



Hey, guys!!!! Thank you for being so patient for this chapter! I'm sorry it is taking me a while to post. I have been busy with work and school, and just being exhausted afterwards. I will do my best to get these out faster.

Anywho! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I thought this was a funny one but also some friendship development between Hangman and Winter hehehe. 

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