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I had been laying in bed like usual, when knocks echoed on my window. I piped up, slightly opening my curtain to look out.


I opened the window up, and he fell in, his back hitting my wooden floor as he groaned due to the contact with his back.

I grabbed his hand and helped him up, he sat on my bed and gave me a look. I looked back at him dumbfounded, before he turned to me and placed his hand on mine.

"Del, we need to talk about Bruce."


DELPHINE didn't expect her world to come crashing down when her friend simply came in through her window.

Robin had slowly explained why he was there, and that Bruce had gotten kidnapped by the grabber on the way home from his baseball game. When he got done explaining, Delphines face had dropped and she no longer looked excited.

Instead, she looked like she was a mix of anger and sadness. She rose from her spot and began pacing back and forth by her bed, Robin made sure to watch her every step just incase. Suddenly, Delphine stopped and looked back up at him, her hand covering her mouth.

She had finally registered it all.

"Bruce.. Bruce Yamada, one of my best friends has gotten fucking kidnapped?" Delphine asked, her eyes widening. Robin nodded sadly, knowing her he knew she was about to faint and cry her eyes out.

"No. That's not true, you're lying right Rob? You're just playing a sick joke on me.. right?" She questioned again.

Delphine didn't want to believe this of course. Who would?

After all, her and Bruce had been friends since they were 8. They met in second grade when Bruce tried to charm her into giving him her juice box, which she politely declined but gave him her cupcake instead.

That small interaction made them close, and they stayed friends throughout elementary, half of middle school, and supposed to be high school but that clearly failed.

Her world came crashing down. She looked at Robin teary-eyed.

It felt like someone had ripped her heart out of her chest, and stomped on it. She's never felt something like this ever since Billy was kidnapped. Delphine rarely cried, if you had asked Finney and Gwen, they would say they've only seen her cry when Billy was taken and was never found. Seeing as it has been almost a year,  she knew the grabber was going to strike sooner or later. Delphine knew he had a taste and hunger for murder, because at some point Delphine did too. She never took it out on anyone, instead she took it out on her walls and kept to herself about everything.

She fell on her bed and sobbed in Robins arms, he had never seen her cry before. Not even when Billy died, probably because she forced herself to not show anyone and stay quiet about everything. He held her close and tight, not threatening to move a inch otherwise she'd cry more.

He's learned her over the years, she's only ever opened up to him once about everything without crying and he knew how bad her life was, he cared and loved for her like she was his sister.

Delphine didn't know what to do. Not having Bruce may seem easy for others but not for her. Amy and Delphine had gotten close too, they would bond and joke on Bruce whenever they could. Bruce was her rock, he knew about everything and he was there for her when Billy got kidnapped, he was there when her dad first hit her, he was there when she got broken up with the first time, he was there for everything. Bruce and Robin were the people she counted and relied on.

Maybe a little to much considering she won't ever be able to speak to him again. (yes u will lmao...)

"Don't worry about him Delp, just try to be thankful it wasn't you all these times."
Robin tried to comfort Delphine, failing
so easily. She looked up at him as a tear fell.

"Baby, I'm not afraid to die."


MANY tears later, Delphine had fallen asleep with dried tears falling down her eyes. Robin watched as she slept and held her close, she could hear his heartbeat and that soothed her enough to go right to sleep. He had to leave soon, so he patted her head and ran his fingers through her hair before gently moving her down on her pillow. He placed the blanket over her and smiled lightly at her, he was glad she was okay for now.

Robin got up and opened the window, slipping out and closing it before making his way back home.

Delphine stayed sound asleep, not even bothering to notice that he has left her alone. She lightly snored, rolling over and slightly opening her eyes.

"Robin?" She slurred, her vision still hazy. Leaning up, she finally noticed he was gone. She hastily got up and panicked, running to open her door.

She opened it to find her passed out father in his reclined chair, music blaring
in the back, and Finney watching a movie. He flew his hand over his mouth, and then turned around to find Delphine watching it and leaning against the frame.

Delphine gave him a smile, silently making her way to the record player and turning it off. She sat down next to Finney  and frowned at him.

He knew before she did.

He had spotted the flyers, and didn't tell her for her safety. Finney gave her an apologetic look, and she looked down
at her lap.

"You knew, didn't you?" She whispered, he slowly nodded and focused his gaze on his bowl in front of him which was filled with vanilla ice cream.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry Del." He replied after a bit. Delphine shook her head and kissed his forehead before getting up and making her way to her room.

Delphine spent the next few hours before school started worrying, praying, crying, and thinking about Bruce.

However, she didn't think about how just in 2-3 days she'd be in the same position Bruce and Billy were in.


ruru speaks!
pls don't forget to comment and vote on
this story and my other! it's what gives me motivation.

i might not post for a while xus i was stupid and got my
dpme and i can barely

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