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DELPHINE had been walking alone the next day, she hadn't seen Robin even though he was supposed to come over later on.

She didn't think much of it, he was usually busy anyways.

She glided her fingers across the fence, until her fingers hit a paper. Being curious, she looked down and noticed it was a new missing poster.

Delphine didn't expect it to be the person who was on there.

Her heart dropped, and she snatched the paper up to get a close look.

Robin had gone missing.

It's only been 3 days since Bruce got kidnapped, and she already told herself if another kidnapping had happened it would mean that all hope for Bruce had to be gone.

Delphine stared at the poster in shock, she didn't know what to do.

Her only other person she relied on had gotten taken.

Tears poured from her eyes, she gripped the paper and walked off, heading to Maxine's house.

She ran as fast as she could, her vision slowly becoming blurry due to the amount of tears in her eyes.

Delphine reached Maxine's house, and banged on her door.

"Max!! It's me, Del." She yelled, the door instantly opened and there appeared Maxine, she looked confused but had looked Delphine up and down and realized.

"Oh fuck. You poor thing, come in." Maxine mumbled, yanking her arm and shutting the door behind her.

She led her into her room and sat her down, giving her a drink of water.

"Okay talk to me, what's wrong D?" She asked, looking straight at her."

"He's dead. Robin got kidnapped and Bruce is dead. You're the only person I have left Max , I'm so fucking done." She spoke up, silence had engulfed them after that.

Max cuddled up to her and brought her into a hug, causing them to fall down on her bed. "Shh.. let it out D." Max soothed her, rubbing her hair down.

Delphine was lost.

Her 2 bestfriends got kidnapped, by the same fucker. She didn't know what to do, half of her thought both of them were here fault because she wasn't there with them both times.

The other half of her begged her to not think it was her fault, but she ignored that side the most and blamed it on herself.

She missed them already, she should've walked to hers with Robin, she should've biked with Bruce and maybe just maybe she could've been hanging out with them right now.

She wished it was her instead, that she got kidnapped and killed and she was the last victim of the grabber.

Nobody knew how much pain she was going through expect Maxine. Max and Delphine had been in a friend group with Billy, Bruce, and Robin a few years back. But Max had to leave cause her mom wanted her to be with a better group of children for her own child, as she thought Delphine and Robin were bad influences on her.

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