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(posting two chapters in one day?!! who is she.)

DELPHINE didn't go to school the next day, her father had finally been sympathetic and allowed her to stay home because he knew that Bruce and Delphine were close.

She groggily walked out of her room, hearing some clunks from the kitchen.

Her father lowered the newspaper he was reading, which held the recent missing kid, and a few other things.

"Morning Del!" Finney smiled at her, Gwen did the same. She gave a half smile back, and returned back to her resting bitch face. Finney gulped, and slurped his food.

"Do you think you could slurp that any louder?" Terrance said, lowering the newspaper. "I don't think they can hear you up in boulder." He continued, Finney looked at him, and then Gwen dropped the thing that held bread.

Terrance growled, making Delphine smile a bit and make her way to Gwen. She patted Gwen's head, and then gave her a side hug.

Gwen returned the hug, smiling back at her. She was glad that Delphine had smiled, she hasn't seen her smile since she was told that Bruce got kidnapped.

Gwen began making a sandwich, while Delphine leaned against the counter and sighed, opening her mouth.

"I'll come to school with you guys tomorrow, if you see Robin tell him thank you." She nodded at Finney, he gave her a small okay and earned the attention from her dad.

"Who's Robin?" He questioned.

"Oh uh.. my friend, remember? The one I met 2 years after me and Bruce met.." Delphine's voice lowered when she said Bruce's name.

A small part of her began thinking he died. Bruce was never a fighter, Delphine was his fighter.

She protected him while he would stand behind her and throw stares and daggers at them.

That's why Delphine blamed it on herself.

She thought that if she had just biked home with him, she would've been able to protect him and it would've been her.

She wanted it to be her.

She wished that she wasn't stupid and it was her instead of Bruce. Maybe he would've been alive with Amy, she knew nobody would miss her.

Especially not Vance.

If anything, Vance would've been thankful that she got kidnapped.

That's what she thought atleast.

Delphine snapped out of her thoughts and walked towards the bathroom, getting ready to take a bath.

She closed the door behind her and turned the water on, turning it to scolding hot as she liked the feeling of the burn.

Stripping off her clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror.

Dark bags underneath her eyes, plump lips that were chapped, drowsy and tired eyes, bruises on her face from when she made her father take it out on her instead of Finney or Gwen.

A tear fell, but she shook it off and got in the water.

She sunk down, closing her eyes and enduring the water.

What if she sunk underneath?

Delphine thought about it, and began slowly going under.

But she stopped, a image of Bruce and Robin popped in her head.

She held her eyes closed tight, desperate to see them again.

Bruce popped up again, he was happy and he looked straight at her.

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