twenty - one ✿

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AUGUST 27th, 1978.

SHE didn't mind the amount of looks she got as she walked into school, getting a little nervous was all she felt.

It had been a few months since the party incident, she expected everyone to forget it as it was now a new school year, but apparently not.

Tons of kids at school remembered, and that's what made them fear her.

She was powerful enough to make Vance chase her but not get caught, she was his arch nemesis.

People feared her for that reason, that she's never been afraid to mess around with him a bit.

Everyone else was terrified to do so, if they even touched him they knew that their time on earth was over.

Delphine cleared her throat and shoved through the scattered kids, glaring at a few who scoffed and then realized it was her.

The speakers above her blared the morning announcements, signaling that kids were late to class.

She saw Finney running away, and then three kids in the same trail he went.

She rolled her eyes, glancing at Bruce who waved and smiled at her.

She quickly walked over to him and looked at him, then to a random guy who was infront of the two.

"Del, this is my friend, Richard." Bruce beamed, grabbing her hand from her side and forcing her to shake the random man's hand.

Delphine put on a fake smile as she shook his hand, retracting it and making a face when she realized his hand was clammy.

"Hi uh, I'm Richard. What's your name pretty girl?" Richard smirked at her, she groaned and grabbed Bruce's hand.

"Not yours, that's my name." She spat out, yanking Bruce's hand and holding it as she dragged him away, leaving Richard angry.

"Del! What was that for? He was trying to be nice!"

"No, he was trying to flirt with me. You know how I feel about guys who are.. self-absorbed and think they can pull any girl. He was flirting with Maxine and Claire a few minutes before!" She told him, he 'oh'd' and looked up, hearing voices from the boys bathroom.

Delphine noticed, so she grabbed the door and walked in, not caring it was the boys bathroom.

There her brother was, being held up by the collar by some kid with hair covering his face.

"Get your paws off my brother, you vulgar bitch!" She yelled, snatching the boys hair and throwing him against the wall.

Two other boys snapped their heads towards the now angry girl, then glancing at the terrified Bruce behind her.

Bruce yelled and tried to calm Delphine down, but then he got upset when they spat at Bruce.

Finney took the chance to run behind his older sister, panicking and looking at Bruce who shrugged, looking down at his feet upset.

"Okay now you fucked up, jackass." She hissed, backing up when a ginger attempted to throw a hit at her face.

She dodged it, bringing her leg up and kicking the guys face before spinning back around and grabbing ahold of the two kids faces.

Del slammed their heads together, giggling and smiling at the groan coming from the two boys, blood spilling from now all three of the kids heads.

Finney stared in shock at the three kids, he was a bit satisfied at how they went down so quickly after they were so close to hurting him.

Bruce was proud of his bestfriend, smiling as he fist bumped Finney.

She stepped over the two boys, turning on the sink and hearing the door open.

Bruce and Finney went near her, huddling close until they saw it was Vance and Robin.

Vance took one glance at the three boys, then at the girl who was washing blood off her hands and keeping eye contact with Vance.

"You did this huh?" He asked suddenly, Robin shuddered and shook his head, smiling at the situation.

"Yes I did, they deserved it." She told him, a sly smirk forming on Vances face, but he slid into the stall and hid it.

"Hey Finn, Del, and Bruce." Robin greeted,  leaning against the sink Del was washing her hands in.

She finished and smiled at Robin, then the two other boys who greeted him back.

Bruce bragged about how cool it was, how his bestfriend took out three boys as they watched.

Vance was smiling to himself in the stall, getting mad and the smile falling when he realized he was smiling at her.

He walked out and glanced at the four people, they all looked at him, then Finney and Bruce quickly hid behind Delphine and Robin.

"Don't be scared about that thing." She whispered to them, earning a few chuckled.

The laughter stopped when Vance glared at her, storming up to her and looking down at her.

"You talkin shit, Blake?" He stared into her eyes, wishing he could get lost in them.

"Yeah, got a problem with it big boy?" She stood up, staring back at him.

She took note of how gorgeous his eyes were, she never paid attention until she realized she had a crush on him a year ago.

"I do."

".. And what are you gonna do about it hm?" She smirked, plucking his forehead.

He stumbled back a bit, staring at her before flipping her off and walking away.

"Pussy." Delphine shook her head, turning back to the 3 boys who stared at the whole interaction.

"He so is in love with you-"


ruru speaks!

please don't forget to vote and comment! it's my motivation 🫶🏼

i hope u enjoyed this chapter, cus ik i did 😜.

ok bye now

- ruru 🪐

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