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I hate it.

I hate how I feel about Delphine. I hate how I watch her from a distance, adoring everything about her.

I hate her welcoming aura, how she's kind to people but isn't afraid to humble you if you are rude to her or her friends for no reason.

I hate how how gorgeous she looks, especially her eyes.

I hate how she reminds me of fall, every single bit of it.

I hate how she protects her siblings and protected me at one point.

She's like me.

That's why I love- scratch that. Like her. I feel like she'd understand me if I told her how my mom is rarely around, and when she is she's with other guys or drinking. How my dad is a abusive fucker and takes his anger out on me.

It's almost fall, and I've hated fall ever since I was 10.

That's because that's when I first met her and Maxine.

Maxine is one of her bestfriends, but Maxine doesn't come around much anymore because of her mother.

Her mom dislikes Delphine, which can sometime ruin their friendship.

They still stay inseparable though.
I swear, Delphine is only close to 5 people.

Finney and Gwen, for obvious reasons. Robin, because they've been friends for ages and they act like siblings. Bruce, they've been friends again since elementary and she protects him, and finally Maxine.

Maxine isn't talked about much, that's because I fucking hate her guts and she hates mine.

She reminds me of fire, with the color of her hair. I called her fire head and Delphine hellraiser.

Anyways, back to Delphine.

I mess with her because I like her, I don't like showing it, maybe cause I can't.

It's fucking heartbreak weather.

I like it when Delphine argues back with me. She's cute when she's mad, her nose gets a bit red and she always rolls her eyes.


Shut the fuck up Vance she isn't cute. You hate her- No you don't goddamnit.

Whatever, anyways.

Delphines bestfriend, Bruce, recently got kidnapped.

I wanted to hug her when I saw her at the Grab-N-Go today. She looked terrible, not in a bad way just mentally tired.

She had bruises on her face, dark black eye bags, messed up mascara, and her eyes were drowsy.

I couldn't help but look at her lips, they were chapped too. She looked like she wanted to give up.

Maybe if it was me instead of Bruce she wouldn't look like this.

She would be happy, smiling and she would've quickly moved on with her life.

Or would she?..



There is so much words I wanna say but I can't.

I had been walking when I looked over on a fence, and saw Bruce's missing posters.

Mr Yamada had been draining himself, he put them up day after day, night after night, and would beg the cops to look for his son.

I helped him look for him, and I found something but I never told anyone because I lost all hope right when I saw it.

Bruce's friendship bracelet.

It was covered by some dirt and grass, but I managed to spot it due to me seeing the familiar black and dark green colors. When I picked it up, my heart plummeted.

That was my sign. The sign that told me that Bruce came to me while I was trying to die because he didn't want me too, because he did and he wanted me to live.

Bruce Yamada is dead.

My bestfriend since 2nd grade, is gone. The only thing I have is the bracelet, 2 cassette tapes he gave me, and a few polaroids. That's all I have, I didn't even get to say goodbye to him.

When I got home, I closed my door and cried for an hour.

I never cried, I was practically emotionless after all the abuse I put up with until my 2 friends went missing.

If another one of my friends goes missing, I'm going to fucking kill the grabber myself.


AFTER tears falling for a hour, Delphine got an idea.

She grabbed paper and a pencil, and began writing.



Hey Bruce, I know you aren't here and all but it's been really hard without you. For starters, I've been more bitchy to everyone including my friends who only want to help. Robins been a big help, but it isn't the same without you.

I found your bracelet recently. I wear it on my other arm and pretend it's you that's wearing it, hoping you come home one day and I can give it to you.

I don't usually write notes as I think of it as a thing you only do when your friend is hours away, but in my case you're lifetimes away.

I wish I could've said goodbye to you. I never got to tell you how much you meant to me B, and it's really devastating me.

You were my bestfriend Bruce. From that day that you tried taking my juice box in 2nd grade, until 2 days ago. You helped me through rough times, and you were even there for me when my dad first hit me. My first breakup, my first everything. I wouldn't have made it this far without you, B. You were there when my mom died, you comforted me and made me laugh after her funeral and you made me forget about how sad I was. You cared for me, and nobody has done that in a long time. I feel so fucking terrible that I didn't bike home with you, maybe if I did I could've fought the grabber off and you would've been safe. Or we could've gotten kidnapped together, dying with you would've been way better anyways. I really miss you Bruce, I'm gonna see you soon. Thanks for coming to me today by the way.. If it wasn't for you I don't think I would've lived through today.

I love you Bruce, till death never do us part.

Love, your shitty bestfriend,

Delphine finished writing the note, and she quickly backed away to avoid dropping any tears on the paper. She wiped her eyes and giggled at her stupid tears, folding the paper and sliding it into her tote bag.

Delphine then noticed something unordinary.

A polaroid had fallen down from her mirror.

She picked it up and spun it around, to see a picture she never took.

It was Bruce, he was smiling and holding a thumbs up. The background looked white and a bit bright, but she was only paying attention to what it said on the bottom.

'Im always with you, I love you. - B '

Her eyes sparkled as she read the bottom part over and over again, not believing her eyes.

Coldness brushed past her, and something touched her shoulder. She snapped her head around only to see nothing, and a chill went down her spine.

She looked back at the picture and hung it on her mirror, staring at it and smiling.

Delphine looked up at her roof, and smiled.

"I love you too, Bruce."

ruru speaks!
pls don't be a silent reader! don't forget to comment & vote, it's my motivation.

y'all ain't ready for the next 2 chapters 😜

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