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They came for him after Kingo, after Thena and Gilgamesh. When Agil first heard their voices together after five hundred years, it was with confusion. He had seen them since the great tragic break up of their team but separately, never together like this. So when he heard their voices without the calming and controlled tones of Ajak it was with confusion and annoyance. Why did they have to pick now out of all times? He was busy and not really inclined to see Ikaris, who he could hear arguing with his men at the door.

"We're his friends. He will want to see us". The two toned haired man's voice rose. "Let us through".

"Ikaris", that was Sersi's voice. Calming and gentle. She was always gentle and calm, preferring to let others take the lead instead of her. Agil had always found that part of her annoying. How someone could be content to let someone like Ikaris constantly speak for them escaped him. While Ikaris was his brother, their personalities clashed more often than not. He loved all the Eternals but like it was with all families, there were fights and anger. He hadn't seen Ikaris in five hundred years and would have been glad for it to have been longer.

Sersi spoke up again and Agil paused. His brush hovering over the canvas. The oil paint shining wetly under the large studio lights as he hovered. "He will want to see us. It is of great importance".

"Yeah", Sprite's sour teenage tone interjected. "Let us through".

"Don't you know who I am?" Kingo's outraged exclamation. Agil sniggered and sighed. He supposed that he must let them through. Though he was awfully tempted to leave Ikaris out in the car park for the rest of eternity.

His feet landed gently on the concrete floor and he stuck the brush into the pocket of his apron, ignoring how the paint instantly smeared over the material. Just another stain on the fabric. As he walked towards the large doors to his studio, the shimmering golden wings conjured from the celestial energy that powered all of them, flickered and disappeared into nothingness. The light that flowed from them fading as well and the whole studio space darkening with it. "Let them through!" He called. The men at the door didn't protest but simply stepped out of the way as Agil prepared to face his family together for the first time in centuries.

Kingo was through first. The man, true to his rich Bollywood lifestyle, was dressed colourfully and expensively. He threw up his hands and strode forwards for a hug before stopping and dropping his arms. "Agil! Come here! Wait, better not. I don't want paint on my new jacket". Then he was turning round to a middle-aged man in a suit standing behind him with a large camera. "Karun. This is Agil. He's where we get the myth of Angels, thanks to more of Sprite's stories. Back in the day he was our fierce animal tamer. Now he's a world famous artist operating under the alias Bird. Agil, tell us about yourself".

Agil stared at the camera with the expression of a gaping fish. "Um-"

"He is making a documentary on us", Sersi gave an apologetic smile as she approached. She hadn't changed since the last time he had seen her, back in the 1770s. She reached out and pressed a hand to his shoulder. "It's good to see you Agil. I like the piercings, are they new?".

Agil blinked and smiled. The silver bar through his eyebrow twitching at the movement and the hoop through his nose glinting in the light. When he grinned, a tongue piercing flickered inside his mouth. "You too Sersi. Yeah. Got them about a decade ago now. Sprite!" He waved, a small gesture. "Hi". She waved back but kept a careful distance from the paint splattered individual. "Thena! Gilgamesh!" He greeted, opening his arms. Gilgamesh gave a full belly laugh and ran forwards to scoop him off his feet. Only him not caring about the paint on his clothes as he swept the smaller man up and gave him a massive bear hug. Agil laughed joyfully as he was spun.

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