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Agil woke on Kingo's plane. The memory of Babylon and that night he sparred with Druig still warm and aching in his mind. Shifting, he sat up in his seat and rubbed at his eyes. The plane was humming with motion around him and he rubbed at the skin under this eyes in an effort the ward off the oncoming headache. "Nice nap?" Gilgamesh asked. Agil opened his eyes. Thena was in the chair next to him, seemingly absorbed in reading a Bollywood magazine that featured Kingo's face on the front cover. Gilgamesh was sat in the seat across the table from them. 

"It was okay", Agil sighed as he sat up. Kingo, Karun and Sprite were in a set of seats further up the plane. Sersi and Ikaris talking softly in the seats behind them. The plane itself was plush and in colours of gold, purple and blue. It matched Kingo's armour. 

"What were you dreaming off?" Gilgamesh asked. He was watching Agil with a gentle gaze that he rarely used for anyone besides Thena. For all his jokes and bravado, he could be rather perceptive when called for. 

"Babylon", Agil answered honestly. He didn't look at the other man as he pulled his bag up from under the table and brought out a sketchbook and a set of charcoal pencils. The papers made soft sounds as he thumbed to a clean one and his pencil created a soothing line as he dragged it across the white. 

"Are you sure you're okay about seeing Druig again?" Gilgamesh's voice was concerned and he lowered it so that the other's wouldn't hear. "I mean, you came to us after it happened. We saw how you were. Are you sure?" 

"You should probably be the one asking Druig that question", Agil shot back, harsher as his chest ached. "I mean, I was the one to ruin it all. I hurt him. So don't ask me". His tone held no arguments and Gilgamesh sat back in his seat with a frown. Agil ignored the man and concentrated on the page under his hands. Druig's painfully familiar face taking shape on the paper, lit by flaming torches under a moonlight night. 


570 B.C Babylon

They had stayed in region of Babylon for five years before Ikaris asked Sersi to marry him. During that time they had moved away from the city of blue tiles, leaving the Domo under it's streets and travelling like humans as they migrated to the villages on the outskirts of the Babylonian empire. It was while travelling with a tribe of merchants that Agil had gown bored and seated himself near a white haired old man. The man had been drawing with charcoal on parchment the horses and carts of their party. Agil had watched humans create art before, paintings on cave walls and mosaics on floors. He had seen charcoal many times but for some reason, probably boredom, he took more of an interest in this man's drawing than usual. 

The man was talented. His fingers brought out Phastos' likeness perfectly on the yellow paper, the dark sinned man talking to the merchants about their goods. Ikaris and Thena were at the front of the caravan with the scouting warriors. Gilgamesh was on the back of a kart with Kingo, the two involved with conversation. Sprite was with Makkari, the speedster having raced off around the world a few times already to fetch whatever food Sprite had requested. It had become a sort of game for them. Druig was with Ajak. The two of them involved in their own conversation while Sersi entertained the merchant's children. All of them taking shape on the parchment as Agil watched. 

"That is good", he commented in the native language. 

The white haired man paused to look at him in surprise. They had been travelling together for over a month now and not once had Agil spoken to any of the humans. "Thank you esteemed one. It is a simple pleasure". 

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