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"Agil", Kingo greeted as he took the seat opposite him. The flight from Japan to the amazon rainforest was long and he wasn't able to get back to sleep after he woke from the memory. Gilgamesh had moved to a seat nearer the back of the plain to nap and his snores was loud. Ikaris was eating the snacks at the bar with Thena while Sersi muttered quietly to someone on the phone. Her boyfriend seemingly. Agil didn't know how she could date a human, with their short lifespans. She must know that it would end as nothing but tragedy, he had learnt that. Sprite was staring out of the window a few seats away ignoring the rest of them. Agil had been trying to do the same but Kingo had other plans. 

With a sigh, Agil flicked to a fresh page in his sketchbook, the now finished picture of Druig hidden. "What do you want?" Karun trained the camera on his face and he flicked his dark gaze towards the camera lens, unamused. 

"I just wanted to catch up. I haven't seen you since the time we bumped into each other at that art thing back in 1912". Kingo leaned forward with a grin. "So how are you? I kept up with your news headlines. Nice to see another member of the family out there getting fame". 

"I never wanted fame. It just happened", Agil shrugged as he pencil moved across the paper. "I saw your movies by the way". 

"What did you think?" Kingo asked excitedly. 

"You weren't bad", Agil shrugged. "I preferred the Shadow warrior two over the first one. The cinematography was better and the colour palette was pleasing". The way Kingo's face lit up made Agil sigh internally. 

"Yes, me too. You know how the shadow warrior fight against.." Agil tuned him out as the man started on a long winded rant about the making of the movies. He concentrated on his drawing, using Kingo's voice as background noise as he shaded the lines of coiled muscle along the deviant's leg. It was only once he was shading the curve of the figure's back that he realised that the other man had fallen silent. When he looked up, Kingo was watching him. 


"What are you drawing?" 

Agil turned his book round to show him the page. Kingo, in full eternal armour was half crouched in a fighting stance. One arm pulled back as a ball of energy condensed in his palm, the deviant looming over him with claws outstretched. The recognisable outline of the city of London in 1435 in the distance. Kingo hummed as his eyes examined the picture. "I remember that fight. You and Ikaris taking down the deviants in the air. You were amazing to watch. You know I was going to make a film about you? I was making one about Ikaris before they came and got me. I have a scripted prepped and prepared for your one. I'm calling it, The legend of the Angel. What do you think?" 

"As long as you don't relate me to religion, then go ahead", Agil shrugged as he turned the book back round and continued to work on the shading. 

"You really are talented sir", Karun voiced.

"That's what you get after a centuries of practising".

"What happened to you?" Kingo burst, seeming unable to keep quiet about it any longer. "You never used to talk to humans and you always used to scowl all the time. Like all the time. The only time you weren't frowning was when you were flying or eating something you enjoyed. Now you're warm and relaxed, it's creeping me out". 

Agil scowled at him and Kingo pointed at it. "There! That is the Agil I knew. Did you get that?" he asked the camera. 

Agil turned his scowl to the camera. "I'm not going to answer you if you don't turn that off". He waited for Kingo to give the cut feed signal and for Karun to put the camera away. 

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