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575 bc Babylon

Agil twisted, wings curling round him as he dove down through the air like an arrow. The wind whipping his hair round his face and tugging at his armour as he plummeted. He hit the winged Deviant in the side, the force knocking them both through the air and sending their bodies spinning towards the floor. The deviant screeched and flailed as he grabbed on to it's wing with one hand. Gold magic wrapped round the other as a scorpion stinger formed over his fist before he buried it right between the ribs of the falling deviant. Then he was pulling it out and letting go. Big downy owl wings shimmered into existence over his shoulders and expanded, catching him like a parachute and dragging him away from the Deviant. The creature screeching as it fell before it hit the ground and fell still.

Gliding gently on the warm breeze, Agil took a second to catch his breath and gaze out over the city. Babylon was a beautiful city with blue tiled city walls that shone in the hot sun. Luckily, due to Gilgamesh blocking the city walls once Makkari and Druig had gotten the people inside, the fighting had been contained to the village outside. From the height he was flying, he could see Ajak, Druig, Sersi and Sprite all watching them from the battlements. The sun glinting off their armour as down below the rest fought on.

There was only one deviant left now. A creature reminiscent of some sort of bull gorilla thing with horns and big heavy front legs that looked great for trampling. Agil watched as Gilgamesh sent Thena soaring up in a jump on to the beast's back. The blonde woman driving a sword into the creature's back as Kingo shot at it from the sides, before backflipping away as Makkari sent a sonic boom knocking the Deviant off it's feet. Ikaris' laser vision tore burns down one side as Gilgamesh punched a blow into the thing's skull. It dropped to the ground for a second and Gilgamesh turned. Agil opened his mouth as the Deviant staggered back up but whatever warning he was going to give was obviously not needed as Gilgamesh turned and then smacked the beast into the wall. This time it slumped and remained still.

Now that all the deviants were dead, the city gates reopened and people began pouring out to see the damage. Agil flapped his wings and spread them out wide. The golden feathers shimmering as the humans below pointed. On the city battlements, he watched as Sprite waved. With a grin he waved back, winds carrying him close enough for him to descend and land smoothly on the stone. Wings dissipating into thin air as he stretched out his shoulders.

"Showing off again up there?" Druig's tone was teasing and there was a familiar amused light in his eyes despite the lack of expression.

Agil rolled his shoulders to relieve the ache that came from flying too much. "If you had wings, you'd show off too". Druig shrugged in response.

"Your hair is a mess", Ajak spoke in greeting. Agil rolled his eyes as he leaned down slightly to let her finger comb the long strands back into place.

"Maybe I should cut my hair. Ikaris doesn't have hair problems when he flies".

"That's cause Ikaris doesn't do so many flips and spins", Sersi smiled. Agil huffed at her. Ajak, done with his hair, stepped back and they began heading for the stairs down to the city below to join the others.

"But that's boring".

"No. I'm just not an adrenaline junkie like you", Ikaris' voice hailed his arrival as he landed gently on the stone in a much less attention drawing way than Agil's landing had done.

"That's just because you're boring", Agil shot back, hands signing the words just as he spoke. "Right Makkari?" The girl had appeared in her customary golden light and fallen into step with the rest of them.

"I agree with Agil. Enjoy yourself more Ikaris", she signed with a grin.

Agil grinned. "See! She agrees with me. It's been five hundred years. We might as well enjoy ourselves instead of just fight all the time".

"Our mission comes before everything else", Ajak reminded. "Protecting humans from Deviants is our top priority. But that doesn't mean that we can't find things for ourselves while we're here. I have been told that there will be a party tonight. I shall like to see you all there".

"That sounds lovely", Sersi beamed. "Are you going to tell some more stories Sprite?"

"Yeah. I have some new ones", the ginger teen nodded.

Agil hummed. He wasn't interested in a party. Watching humans get drunk and revel had gotten old pretty quickly and while Sprite's stories were always lovely to watch, he preferred watching from a distance. "Alright", Druig's voice made him glance over. "If it's in our honour, then I'll go". Ajak looked pleased as they reached the bottom of the steps and they all moved on to join Kingo, Gilgamesh and Thena. Agil hung back on the outskirts of the group with Druig as the rest of them began going over the battle.

"You're going to the party?" He asked the blue eyed man.

Druig shrugged. "I owe some men a game". That made senes. It was common to see Druig playing various board games with the locals of wherever they were visiting. They all had their ways of connecting with the humans and games were his. Sersi was always the type to talk about fashion with the women and help them with their chores. Ikaris would train with the warriors alongside Thena. Kingo and Sprite enjoyed talking to the children and sharing stories while Gilgamesh explored cooking. Phastos spent time on the Domo more often than not but when he did come out, it was to talk about crafts with merchants. Makkari, though this was a well known secret, liked to steal items she found interesting and trade them. Agil liked watching them all interact in their own unique ways.

Druig was watching him watch the others interact. Ajak and Sersi were talking with the leader of the city. The man congratulating them for they victory. "Are you going?" Agil turned to him. Druig's lips curled tauntingly. "You don't like people. The last time we had a celebration you disappeared and we found you the next day cuddled up with a lion pack".

Agil shrugged. "Animals are simple".

"Aye", Druig's teasing smile faded and the blue eyed man gazed over the city and the humans with an unreadable harsh look. "They are".

Agil gazed at the taller man. He wondered what the mind controller was thinking.


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