Twenty five

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Agil found the others on a beach round the other side of the island. Makkari was the first to spot him as he slouched closer, body aching from all the bruises forming. He was pretty sure he had a cracked rib that was healing and his mouth still tasted of blood. She jogged over at a human speed to reach him, opening her arms as he folded into her greeting hug. She seemed okay but he could see bruises on her forehead and guessed that there was a few more under her armour. But the relief to see her alright, along with Thena, Sersi and Phastos brought a smile to his lips. He looked around and the smile faded. "Where's Gil?" 

The golden light of the setting sun glinted on Thena's hair as she shook her head. "He went out how he wanted to go. Fighting deviants". Agil inhaled deeply, grief a weight in his chest. They had known that Gilgamesh would not have made it through the day. He was just glad that it was not Ikaris who killed him. 

"Are you guys alright?" He asked as he and Makkari reached where Sersi and Phastos were standing. The speeder had tucked herself under his arm and they were both half leaning tiredly on the other. Her warmth and presence keeping him from collapsing. 

"I feel as if a bus hit me", Phastos muttered. "But I guess we all feel like that". 

"Sprite stabbed me", Sersi stated, hand pressed to her side. 

Agil sniggered. "She's been wanting to stab us for a while". He laughed then stopped with a groan of pain and a wince. 

"I can't believe you took out Ikaris' eye", Phastos exclaimed. "I knew that he underestimated you, he underestimated all of us, but good job Agil". He held out a hand and Agil high-fived it with a tired grin. Just as he was looking up, the sun glinted off two figures approaching across the sand. The wind was tugging at the skirt of the taller one, sun shining around dark hair as he drew closer. He stepped forwards, letting go of Makkari as he broke into a slow jog towards the man clothed in black armour. 

Druig smiled and opened his arms as Agil reached him. The smaller man folding himself into them and pressing as close as he dared, aware that they were both bruised to heck under their armour. Joy and relief was a giddy concoction in his heart as he wrapped his arms around the other man's neck. Druig made a happy noise in his throat and he felt it escape into the air between them. Agil pressed their foreheads together and responded with a relieved noise, a deep sigh as he basked in the warm hold. "My lovely lovely Agil". The whisper was the breaking point and he let loose a choked noise of happiness and overwhelming emotion. He had feared Druig dead, had almost been killed by Ikaris and thought their world over. But the battle was over and they were safe and whole together. It was enough to make his legs shake. 

They separated as Sprite approached but kept their hands interlocked, unwilling to let the other go just yet. Agil watched as the girl gazed over them tearfully. "Is he gone?" Her voice trembled as she reached for Sersi. The woman nodded sadly. Sprite rubbed the tears from her cheeks and all the anger at her faded from Agil's chest. She was his sister, just as Ikaris had once been his brother. Now Ikaris was dead and there was no energy left for anger. Sprite thought that she was doing the right thing, as had Ikaris. 

"Sprite". Sersi was watching the girl sadly. "I still have energy from the Uni-mind. I think I could make you human. All the things you said you wanted, you can have them. But your time will be fleeting and you will die one day. Are you ready for that?" 

Hope filled Sprite's face and she gazed up at Sersi with teary blue eyes. She nodded. "I am". 

Sersi extended a hand. Sprite looked at it for a second before taking it and letting the change wash over her. The rest of them watching as the golden sun filled the sky. Agil leaned his head on Druig's shoulder and closed his eyes. 

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