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AN: triggering themes this chapter. Obsession, depression, mentions of suicide and manipulation. Don't read the second part of this chapter if any of these trigger you. 

1856 A.D England

"My sweet, sweet Angel", Alexi crooned as they lay amidst the soil and skin warmed sheets of his bed. The large four-poster half shaded from the morning light by the curtains but some golden rays escaped and lit up in lines across bare skin and tangled bedsheets. The curly haired blue eyed man was sprawled across the pillows, Agil on his elbows at his side. With a sex sated smile, Alexi reached out a sleepy hand and cupped it against Agil's face. "My lovely Angel".

"Don't call me lovely", Agil snapped, pushing the hand away. For a second it sounded too much like another black haired blue eyed man. Alexi just laughed, used to his harsh moods and dislike of vulnerability by now. 

"Sweet, beautiful Angel. I can't believe you chose me". He leaned up to bite at the skin of Agil's shoulder despite the fact that marks never stained his skin. His skin was as smooth and bare as it  was the first time he arrived on earth. Every injury healed without a scar by Ajak or his own advanced healing. It didn't stop this man from trying though. 

Agil fiddled with his fingers as the young man brushed his fingers adoringly up and down his spine. His mind was away in memories and thoughts. Alexi looked at him like he had hung the sky and every single star. He tilted his head to allow Alexi better access to his neck and ran a hand through his hair. Love was a strange thing. Humans used it as an excuse to fight wars and cause chaos. They had such short lives, like a fire flaring passionately before burning out. Alexi loved him, he had told the eternal dozens of times. Agil knew that the human knew that they weren't the same species but he didn't know exactly what he was. There was only so much you could do when you didn't get hurt in any way. 

Alexi had given him everything he could need to be comfortable. He had a studio and all the paints he could want. Delicious food and a room in the man'se stately manor. Agil was pampered like a beloved king rather than the heir's secret lover. He didn't mind, it was easy to let the man love him. Alexi saw him as a Divine being and in some ways, he guessed he was. 

"You are so beautiful", Alexi breathed, pulling back to gaze at him in the sunlight. The way Agil's golden toned skin lit up in the light and how his dark eyes held countless years. Alexi was handsome, for a human. Pale skin that flushed like a flower and bright blue eyes against dark curly hair. His eyes were like the sea on the beaches of Italy. Deep glittering blue, not the stormy blue of skies darkening that Agil remembered. 

It was easy to lean forwards and capture pink lips in a kiss. He pressed a hand to Alexi's chest, feeling the fluttering of a human heartbeat under his palm. "Stop telling me how much you adore me and get up", Agil murmured as he pulled back. "These sheets smell and I want to wash up". 

Alexi laughed, a bright noise, as he rolled out of bed and onto his feet. He strode round to the vanity where a bowl of water waited, completely bare. Agil watched, wondering if he should have the other pose for him again. Alexi loved it when he painted him. He loved every thing Agil created, every drawing and every painting wether they were of flowers or people. Sometimes his love was too much, cloying and smothering. Agil was no holy angel, no god. But no matter how much he argued, Alexi never listened. "Shall we go to the river today?" The young heir asked. "It will be warm and the waters will be delightfully cool". 

"I wish to paint today". Agil stated as he rose. The floor was cool under his feet. "Could you pose for me?" 

Alexi beamed as he reached out to wrap his arms around Agil's waist. "Darling. I will always pose for you". He pressed a deep kiss against Agil's lips and the Eternal kissed back. Physical pleasure a great entertainment. 

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