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"Phastos", Druig's voice was loud as he tore his gaze away from Agil's face and stepped back. He fixed the dark skinned man with an annoyed look, irritated at having their moment broken. "I need to control the mind of a celestial". Phastos seemed relieved to have the topic changed but Kingo was still eyeing both Agil and Druig with wary disgust as if the pair would start furiously making out in front of him in any second. Agil scowled at themas back, also irritated that Druig's attention had been taken away from him. He turned his gaze to Makkari, who winked at him and gave him a playful nudge with her elbow as the rest of the Eternal's gathered around the centre of the room. 

"I so want details later", Makkari signed to him as Phastos began directing the golden images hanging in the air in front of them. Agil rolled his eyes but nodded. Makkari beamed gleefully. 

"Okay", Phastos announced as the gold magic took shape. "Get ready for it". 

"Bracelets?" Kingo murmured unenthusiastically. "You made us bracelets?" At Agil's side, Druig nudged him gently with one shoulder. Agil shot him a narrow eyed look but leant back slightly into the taller man's chest. The touch warm and bringing a glimmer of pleased content to Druig's eyes. 

"A little celestial 101. Celestials are the most powerful energy generators in the universe". As Phastos explained, golden light cascaded from the ceiling to create the illusion of Arishem in the middle of the floor. The illusions expanded and changed to illustrate the words. "When Arishem made us, he imbued us with infinite cosmic energy to keep our bodies regenerating and fuel our abilities. It is this energy that was drained from Gil that has caused him to loose his powers, any more and I am afraid that he would be dead". 

"I feel fine", Gilgamesh voiced from where he was seated against the window. 

Phastos shot the man a unimpressed look. "You barely have the cosmic energy to keep your body alive". The other man shrugged as if it didn't bother him. "As I was saying, the bracelets in theory, Shut down our regeneration process. And once that happens our bodies accumulate extra cosmic energy". 

"What for?" Sersi voiced. 

"Well if the deviants can absorb our energy, what if we can absorb each other's energy as well? If I can find a way to connect us all, one of us can become immensely powerful, pulling accumulated  energy from the rest, forming a Uni-mind". Phastos clapped his hands and glanced around expectantly. "Uni meaning one and mind meaning mind". 

"Oh no we heard you the first time", Kingo interrupted. 

"Terrible name", Sprite stated. 

"We'll brainstorm. Oooo, Brainstorm!  That's a way better name". 

"No I invented it, so I'm calling it whatever I want". 

Makkari waved a hand and the arguing died down. "So suppose Druig can, say... put Tiamut to sleep, then what?" 

"We find humans a new home on another planet", Sersi replied. 

Agil snorted at her hopeful tone. "Yeah, cause that will go down nicely. How do you think people like 'The Avengers' will react when a bunch of immortal aliens come out and say that they have been living among them for thousands of years. Creating history yet never actually helping humanity, yet now these aliens want the whole human race to build space travel and abandon their home planet? The planet 'The Avengers' literally fought Thanos last year to protect? Cause by the way, it is an egg for a celestial that we helped nurture only to get cold feet at the very last second. I am sure they will welcome us with open arms and definitely not cast us as villains and manipulators". 

Sprite giggled. "Are we building a big ship too? Taking a pair of each animal? I agree with Agil. We aren't exactly the good guys when it comes to humanity". 

"Druig can just control them", Kingo suggested. Druig shrugged but did not say anything. He was chewing on a Twinkie he had pulled from his pocket. 

"You know what never saved a planet? You two's sarcasm", Phastos huffed. 

"Space colonisation could take decades", Sprite pointed out. 

"It could happen quickly with our help", Sersi argued. 

"I really doubt humanity would see it as help and not a hostile take over", Agil grumbled. 

"What if we accidentally end up killing Tiamut?" Kingo asked. "We could be responsible for billions of lives not being created across the universe. Boss, am I right?" He turned to Ikaris but the man was quiet. 

"Say something Ikaris", Sprite prodded. "You don't think we should be doing this". 

Everyone's eyes were on the man. "Ajak chose Sersi to lead us", Ikaris spoke after a moment. "She should decide". 

"Forget who Ajak chose. You're the strongest. You should be making this decision", Sprite scowled. 

"That's rather harsh to Thena", Gilgamesh called from his seat. 

"Fine", Sprite gave no indication that she had even heard Gil. Her eyes were still fixed on Ikaris. "Just keep lying to yourself". 

"Sprite", Ikaris ground out as she stormed off down the corridor. He sighed heavily then turned slowly after her. They all watched them leave, none of them surprised. 

"Okay", Phastos sighed deeply. "This is not.. Don't run after him"- he broke off as Kingo called the other man's name and headed for the corridor. -"You guys". 

"Well that happened completely as I expected it", Druig commented loudly in the quiet. "Sprite storming off. Ikaris sulking. Kingo pandering. Ah, nice to be around family again". He grinned at Agil. "Want to go and check our old rooms?" 

He slipped his hand in the larger one and nodded. "I want to cringe at my old drawings. Do you think my old sketchbooks are there?" Agil wondered as they two of them turned and sauntered together down a different corridor than the others. 

"Don't do anything nasty!" Phastos called after them. "We are on a time limit here!" 

"Fuck off Phastos!" Agil shot back over his shoulder. Druig's chuckle a rumbled vibration in his chest as he squeezed their joined hands. 


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