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The great city go gold and lapis lazuli that had once been Babylon was now nothing more than stone foundations and the occasional cracked mosaic. Archaeologists dotted the site as dust blew around them. The desert having reclaimed the land that Agil recalled as vibrant and thriving. It was easy for Druig to send the humans on their way and their cars drove off in clouds of golden dust just as Sprite let the illusions around them drop. Phastos was leading the way, a golden hologram hovering over his watch as he tracked down their spaceship. The others trailing behind him. Sprite was walking in that prim way she did that reminded Agil of dancers he had seen. Pixieish and elegant and also snooty. (There was a reason why fae were rumoured to be trixters yet proud). Druig strolled behind her. The man having found a leather jacket and shades in Kingo's closet and Agil doubted the man would return them. The leather jacket suited him and fit him a lot better than Agil's stolen tshirt. 

Phastos came to a stop and they all paused as the earth began to crack over the valley before them. The cracks grew, expanding across the dry earth as remains crumpled and trees fell. The ground falling as something rose from deep underneath and was exposed to the light. Agil let out a fond sigh at the sight of their ship. It had been home to them for thousands of years after all. It was only five hundred years ago that they had all left the ship to go their separate ways, well, almost all of them. Sometimes Agil had wanted to go back there, after Alexi and that night. But something had always stopped him, his need to know why humans were so important to his family. It lingered and made him wait. Now, he was returning without any answers and it tasted slightly like defeat. 

"A forbidding atmosphere fills the air", Kingo whispered in mock theatrical narration as they entered the ship. "An eerie stillness chokes our lungs". Karun waking backwards in front of them in order to capture them all on his camera. Agil wondered how many cameras the man had brought. 

"What are you doing? You know you're creeping us out right?" Phastos scowled. Then there was a bang and he yelped. "Oh my god! Stay calm, T, please!" Agil sniggered as he picked up the chip packet he had stepped on and shook it at the taller man with a smug grin. Phastos let out a relieved giggle. "It's chips. It's just chips. Sweet sugar honey ice tea Agil, you scared the living daylights out of me". 

"Sugar honey ice tea?" Agil raised an eyebrow as he handed the bag to Druig. The man began snacking on them happily. "Just say shit or fuck for hell's sake". 

"I can't swear. I'm a dad now", Phastos retorted. "My husband would be furious if Jack picked it up from me". 

Kingo was rolling his eyes at the camera. "As you can see being an Eternal does not preclude you to having human emotions, such as cowardice". 

"A human family. How's that working out for you?" Agil smiled as he stole a chip from Druig's bag. It was an testament to how much the mind controller liked him that his hand was not immediately slapped away. Phastos frowned at the lack of reaction in confusion. 

"We are very happy. Thank you for asking". His tone was wary and Agil decided not to press further. He was immediately distracted but the sight of their main hall coming up. 

"What has she done?" Phastos' voice was high with surprise. "Is that.... a sarcophagus in my lab?" Their hall, what used to be bare dark stone and glowing gold lights, was full of objects. Books piled in towers, weapons leaning against uncoordinated and seemingly random furniture. Statues of gold and gems for multiple civilisations. Agil even spotted several food packets lying empty on the floor. In the middle of all this chaos was a oak chair with red velvet standing like a throne. Makkari was sprawled across it, eyed concentrated in her book. 

"This is Makkari", Kingo introduced to the camera. "Or should I say miss Havisham". 

At his words, she looked up and smiled at them. No surprise or annoyance, just simple joy to see them. She was wearing jeans and trainers, a red and grey jacket hanging over her black tshirt but her hair was still in her usual braids. With a crisp noise, the book was closed and her hands came up to sign. "Ready to go home?"

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