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What Agil had thought had been a barn turned out to be a hall. Windows and electric lights lit up the yellow and blue walls as they all sat on the wooden benches that lined the floors. Thena on Gilgamesh sitting on one side, Sersi and Sprite together on the other. Ikaris leaning against the wall nearest them with Agil seated two rows behind. Kingo opposite him behind Thena and Gilgamesh, Karun still filming next to him. The valet positioned to get everybody in shot as Druig leaned against the table at the head of the room and regarded them all with crossed arms. 

Agil was glad that Sersi and Sprite were between him and the dark haired man's presence. They formed a sort of buffer zone that allowed him to think. His dark eyes watched Druig as the man seemed to think for a moment. The weight of what Sersi had just dropped on him heavy in the air. "You've given me a lot of bad news in one go my lady", he voiced after a minute. 

Sersi's eyes were round. "So will you help us?" Any quick reply was interrupted by the sudden loud blaring of a pop song. Everyone jerked as Sersi fumbled in her pocket. Thena rolled her eyes as Gilgamesh's head rose from where it had been pillowed against his chest, the broad man having been dozing through the entirety of the conversation. 

"Hey, what's your service?" Kingo whispered across the room as Sersi muted her phone. "I'm not getting any bars". Agil pulled out his own phone, a rather battered iPhone five that his manager had been begging him to update for years, and checked. Full service. He waved it at Kingo with a grin before tucking it away again as the other Eternal huffed. In their seat, Thena poked Gilgamesh as the man started to snort again. He jerked awake and shook his head. 

"Do you all remember this forest?" Druig announced to the room, voice echoing through the space as he began pacing across the floor. "Beautiful. It was the last place we all lived together. I've protected these people for twenty generations now. From the outside world and from themselves". He stopped down the aisle between the benches where Kingo and Agil sat. For a second Agil thought that Druig would turn to him and he would be faced fully by that presence, but instead the man turned his back to him and dressed Karun. 

"Your kind, my friend, you will be responsible for your own extinction one day. Don't you think?" He shot Kingo a grin. 

"I think we must learn from our mistakes and do better Sir", Karun replied. "You must not give up hope". 

Something shifted and there was a crash as Karun suddenly hurled the camera at the wall. The thing shattered into pieces on the floor. "Oh no you didn't", Kingo sighed. Karun blinked, golden eyes gone. Kingo was up on his feet and in Druig's face. "New rule, no possessing people's valets". 

Amusement was layered in his tone as Druig responded. "Oh, where is your sense of humour, Kingo?" 

"I'm sorry sir", Karun mumbled. 

"Don't apologise", Kingo's voice softened. "It's not your fault". Then he was turning back to Druig. "You're not a god. You know that right?" 

"Oh how ironic. Kingo, the movie star". Druig seemed to be having fun. Agil wondered if the man had actually watched any of Kingo's movies. (Agil had. They weren't too bad but he disagreed some of the costume and set design. He would have done a better job). 

"I've directed some things too". 

"Yeah?" Druig was teasing. "Like what?" 

"Some internet content". 

"How many views?" 

"What do you mean by internet content?" Agil voiced. Both Kingo and Druig turned to him. "Do you mean, like short movies or porn?" 

Kingo gasped, voice rising. "Porn?" Druig sniggered. 

Ikaris stepped up from the wall and headed for the door. "Let's go. He's wasting our time". 

"We need him", Sersi reminded. 

Ikaris barely made it halfway across the room before Druig was circling towards him like a shark. "Ikaris! I missed you". Ikaris stopped and sighed. "Are you going to charm me? or threaten me?"

"I mean, there's a third option, if you prefer that". 

"It must be heart breaking to find out that you're not mother's favourite", Druig put on a face of mocking sadness. Ikaris stepped closer to get in his face. 

"And I'm sure she'd be real proud of what you've been up to here". 

Sersi seemed to be having enough. She stood up. "Druig, this is serious". 

"I'll tell you what's serious", Druig was stepping away from Ikaris towards her, arms still tucked behind his back but face pressed in a frown. "I've just been told that I've been sent of a suicide mission for the past seven thousand years and that my entire existence is a lie". At the last words, he turned his head and his gaze met Agil's. The black eyed man flinched slightly at the contact. Druig turned his gaze back to Sersi, eyes cold. "So excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now". Then he was storming across the room and out of the door. The wood banging shut behind him. 

"Druig sucks", Kingo announced in the silence. 

"He does", Karun agreed. 

Agil ran his hands over his face then stood up. He was halfway across the floor before Ikaris' hand landed on his shoulder. "Agil. You don't need to go after him. Leave him". Agil shrugged the hand off and wordlessly left the building. The other staring after him as he went. 

"Is it just me?" Kingo muttered as the doors clanged shut a second time. "Or was that a repeat of our break up? Druig first, Agil not far behind". 

"Have you ever noticed that where ever Druig goes, Agil is never far behind?" Sprite voiced. "Or are you guys really that dumb?" Ikaris, Sersi and Kingo all stared at her in confusion. Gilgamesh had dozed off again and Thena seemed to be staring at the wall. The ginger teen huffed and rolled her eyes. "Amateurs". 


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