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Agil didn't take the news that his entire past was a lie and that he was a celestial robot designed to help cause the destruction of planets very well. First he laughed. The others all sitting round his little living room with cooking cups of tea in their hands as they waited for his cackles to calm down. It was only once he has quieted that they were able to continue the story. How they had discovered Ajak's body, the Deviant that attacked Sersi and Sprite in London, Arisham and the emergence. Before moving onto their plans. It was clear from Sersi's voice and the looks on everyone's faces that they were partly in shock of the news too. Thena was quiet, Gilgemesh adding in commentary about the Deviant that attacked them in Australia. It was only once they were finished that Agil finally spoke up.

"So who are we going after next?" He looked round at them all. "We can't make any decisions about what to do about the Emergence without everyone. So do we go after Phastos or Druig next?" If anyone noticed the slight tone his voice took on Druig's name then they didn't mention it. "The last I saw Makkari, she was hanging in the Domo. So I suppose we'll get her last".

"Druig", Thena stated. Her golden eyes calm but steely.

"I agree. Maybe his powers could help", Kingo added.

Agil was scowling at Karun. The valet was standing in the corner of the room, tea untouched and his camera still aimed at the dark haired man. "Can you stop filming me?"

"It's all for the documentary sir. You look great". Karun gave him and thumbs up. Agil pointedly ignored him.

"I guess we're going after Druig then". Sersi put her cup of half finished tea on the table. "Let's get going".

Agil stood up. "Let me change first. Put your cups in the sink. I'll deal with them later". He tossed the words over his shoulders as he headed for his room. The slam of the door echoed through the apartment.

"Wow", Gilgamesh grinned. "He's changed".

"Yeah", Sprite hummed. "He's less"- she waved her hands in a gesture-" I don't know, harsh?"

"He seems sad", was Sersi's voice.

Kingo had turned to the camera was was speaking as if to an audience. "That was Agil. You wouldn't believe this but he's actually nicer now. He used to hate humans the most out of all of us. Now we came back to find one in his bed? I can't believe it".

"Stop gossiping about me", Agil's voice made them all jump. He scowled at them all. Paint splattered joggers exchanged for baggy black jeans and a fresh black T-shirt combined with a grey and white plaid shirt hanging over his shoulders. His hair was still tied up and his piercings still in but now a satchel was slung over a shoulder.

"You're nicer now", Sprite stated plainly.

The man stuck his tongue out at her, silver piercing the muscle. "It has been five centuries. If no one changed then I'd be surprised".

"So do you like humans now?" Kingo asked, jumping to his side as the smaller man crossed to the front door and pulled out a pair of converse. The rest of them put their cups away and began grabbing for their shoes.

"I never hated them to begin with", was the reply as he pressed the button for the lift. "You just thought that". 


575 BC Babylon

Agil attended the party only due to the disapproving stare Ajak fixed him with until he made a show of grabbing a drink and walking through the crowds. He passed the square where Sprite was entertaining children and adults with beautiful golden illustrations of heroes and monsters engaging in epic battles across the night sky. Kingo was in the crowd, watching with just as much awe as the young children surrounding his legs. On the other half of the square music was playing and women were engaged with a dance, Sersi in their ranks following their moves. Ikaris was leaning against the building next to her with a soft look to his eyes. 

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