CHAPTER ONE : 'house on flames'

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"Please can I just see them?!"

Chae-Young attempted to push past the doctors. The towering people in white gowns block her view. She's average height for a girl her age but can still fit into small places.

Chae-Young weaves through the humid bodies trying to reach her parents. "We're losing them ..!!" a tall man shouts in an aggressive tone. Suddenly more bodies in white pile into the room, crowding around the beds.

A cold hand reaches and grabs Chae-Young's wrist dragging her away from the heartbreaking scene.

"No wait , my parents !!"

She struggles and gets loose from the grip and jogs on the slippery floor to try and see her parents but she gets stopped as the same frosted hand grabs her once more.

"Let go of me!!" She screeched, punching at the chest of the being taking her away.

Chae-Young gives up and glances back. Once she saw her parents her face dropped.

Tears flood down her chilled face.

The individual takes her into a room where she sees her brother, Riki, sitting on a chair picking at his nails.

He immediately looks up as he hears the door creak open.

Riki doesn't say a word but jumps out of the chair and straight into his sisters arms. He cries into her shoulder only hoping the best for their parents.

Chae-Young just stood there.

The image wouldn't leave her mind.

Her parents scorched faces. Blisters. Dry. No life in their eyes.

Riki looks up at her and cups her frosty cheeks caressing her face gently trying to warm them up. "Chae, look at me".

Chae-Young just stood there.

She wasn't blinking.

She was barely breathing, gasping for air.

"Chae? Noona? Chae your neck! You've been burnt!"

He shakes her trying to get her attention.


He bawled for help as she dropped to the ground.

She tried to respond. She really did. She could hear many voices but slowly they echoed away. 'Riki' she thought. 'Riki I'm here'.

And then.


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