PART TWENTY EIGHT: 'the coach home'

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(Bold is speaking in Japanese)

What's Chae's sock doing in my suitcase?

I pick up the sock and put it to the side to give to her later. Shoving the last things into my suitcase and travel bag, I lug them out the tent and towards the coach. I put the sock in my pocket so it's less embarrassing when I give it to Chae.

I spot her, my beautiful girlfriend. She's talking to someone, a girl. I've never seen her before. I approach the pair.

"Oh Heeseung! This is Jia, she's a transfer student from Japan! She just came here to say hi"

I bow, paying respects. "She doesn't speak much Korean, so we need to try and speak Jorean!" Chae-Young says.

"Jorean?" I question.

"You know Japanese Korean!"

"Kapanese sounds better" I lie, trying to wind her up.

She rolls her eyes at me, facing back to Jia. I can't help but smile as Chae tries to speak in Japanese.

"I think what Chae is trying to say, is that this school sucks but it's nice to meet you!"

Chae throws a glance at me, "since when did you know Japanese?".

"Since forever silly!"

Jia's eyes widen as if her dream came true, "I didn't expect anyone to know Japanese!"

"Yeah well one half of my family only speak Japanese so I had to learn it"

Jia smiles, turning flustered she looks at the floor.

Why is this girl blushing?

"Oh Chae, baby I have something for you!" I said reaching down into my pocket to make sure it was there. I take Chae's hand and slip it into my pocket along with mine. I feel he her grip on the sock pulling it out. Her face drops turning pink. I ruffle her hair up leaning down to her height. "It was in my suitcase!"

"What are you guys doing?"

I glance at Jia, straightening my spine. "She left her sock in my room."

Jia raises one eyebrow.

"No it's nothing like that! Honestly I have no idea why it was where it was"

Jia giggles.

I sit at the back of the coach, saving a space for Chae. I see her come on and wave at her. Smiling, she rushes forward. She was about to sit down when a voice from behind stated, maybe I should sit here, I mean no one else can communicate with me!"

"What did she say?" Chae-Young asks, looking between me and Jia.

I shake my head patting the spot for Chae. "I speak not so good Korean, good if me sit with Heeseung so can speak" Jia says stuttering.

Before Chae could say anything, Jia was already in the seat, I was about to say something but the coach started, throwing Chae in a sit a few rows ahead. And ofcourse it's next to Taewoo.

It's been only half an hour on the coach. Jia is sleeping on my shoulder while my gaze is on Chae and Taewoo. I see Taewoo look back at me, smirking he covers the slit in the two seat. I furrow my eyebrows, quickly looking at Jia. I elongate my neck, stretching my body. I still can't see. Then his hand moves away from the slit. I see his face lean closer to her. I stand up, Jia goes flying. "STOP" I shout. As I stand up I see he was just leaning forward to talk to his friend. Everyone's eyes are on me, even Chae's. "What's wrong dear?" My teacher asks me. I don't know what to say so I sit down glaring at Taewoo, who's looking as smug as ever. And it pissed me off.


I reach down to get my packet of crisps from my bag that Heeseung gave me for the trip . We were supposed to share them. I open the packet, trying to make as little sound as possible. Oops. "Can I have some?" Taewoo begs. I roll my eyes sighing as I pass him the packet.

"Let's play a game.." Taewoo insists.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Truth or dare?"

Two faces are spotted in the slit in front of us, sadly not he ones I was hoping. Jangmi and her friend.

"Can we play?" Jangmi says pouting and clenching her palms together as if she was praying.

I roll my eyes, Taewoo looks at me with a glance of approval. I sigh and nod. They giggle, turning their bodies round peeking over their chairs.

"I'll go first" Jangmi states before anyone else could talk. Everyone just hums in response.

"Hmmm, Chae! Truth or dare?"

I knew she would pick me.


I don't want her to ask me anything about Heeseung.

She smirks. "I dare you to kiss Taewoo"


"I pass"

"You can't pass, Chae-Young. Kiss him"

I sigh.

Just on the cheek cant hurt right?

As I leans in so does Taewoo, I spot him covering the slit between our chairs.

"STOP" a familiar voice shouts.

I look back and see Heeseung standing up, clenching his fists while glaring at Taewoo. His eyes then flicker to mine. "What's wrong dear" I hear my teacher ask softly. I can tell he wants to say something but instead sits back down in a grump.

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