CHAPTER TWENTY TWO : 'paintball'

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- For the first activity the groups have to play against another group in a round or two of paintball -

The boys and the girls got split into separate rooms to get changed into protective gear. "I heard that it really hurts when you get hit, apparently it turns into a bruise" Chae-Young says tapping her foot, anxious about the task ahead. Jangmi scoffs; "no one's forcing you to play monster girl". Chae-Young rolls her eyes. Aera interlinks arms with Jangmi, "I mean you don't have to worry, once anyone sees monster girl they'll go running!". Jangmi and Aera chuckle, skipping off.

Chae-Young was the first to finish getting into gear, she tightened her knee pads and was ready to go. She lingered outside and amble towards the place they were told to meet. Gazing around the beautiful setting, she gets startled at the sudden cries of disgust. "You're so weird why are you watching boys get changed" a voice echos. Chae-Young twirls around and sees seven boys none which were familiar but then again she didn't have her contacts in so it was all a big blur.

One of the figures jog towards her.

"Chae? Wha- what are you doing here this is the boys changing room?"

"Taewoo? Sorry uh some other girls told me we had to meet here?"

Taewoo sighs, "you keep squinting, do you have contacts in?"

"Oh no they went missing this morning, it's fine I can see fine"

Even thought Chae-Youngs eyesight wasn't at its peak, she could still see a beckoning shadow lingering behind Taewoo. The shadow shoves Taewoo out of the way interlinking fingers with Chae, dragging her away from the rooms.

Chae-Young can recognise those soft hands anywhere. "Heeseung?". He laughs patting her on the head with the other hand while still gripping onto her hand. Chae-Young turns her head slightly and quickly looks away when she realises. "Heeseung! Where's your shirt?!". He laughs again, "I have spare contacts back at camp, they will help".

"I can see! Now go get a shirt on please" Chae-Young insists, eyes flickering everywhere in order to avoid Heeseung's gaze. Heeseung steps closer, Chae-Young steps back but he stops her by gripping her shoulder. "You have something in your hair", he gently takes out a small twig. Chae-Young stares and admires his concentrating face, Heeseung's gaze lowers to Chae and she quickly looks away.

Heeseung lifts her chin up with the tip of his index finger. He slowly leans in...

"What are you two doing?" Says a stubborn old woman.

The two immediately separate like a fridge and the wrong side of a magnet.

"We have been looking for you two, and sir where might I ask if your shirt?!" The instructor snaps a disgusted look then leaves trudging off.

Chae-Young follows soon after.

"You guys better not screw this up, we need to win!" Jangmi hisses. Taewoo and Heeseung nod. Chae-Young can't take her seriously and rolls her eyes at her.

And the game starts. Heeseung, Taewoo and Jangmi run first, Chae-Young gulps then follows them close behind eyes darting everywhere as if she was a mouse being chased by a cat. Chae drops all her refills and they roll everywhere, "shit!". She sweeps up the balls then drops them again after the startle of the shots being fired.

Those sounded oddly close..

Suddenly a huge body pushes Chae-Young hard causing her to fall to the right but before she hit the ground, that same body catches her. He shoots at the opposing team causing them to lose that player. "Thanks Taewoo i thought i was about to di- Heeseung?"

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